Monday 20 January 2020

A Summer Poem

We have hot summer temperatures here today, expecting to hit 30C later this afternoon.  I just wilt in this heat and have been trying to find something to do inside.

So far I have begun reading two different books and discarded both of them.  One was plain boring, the other was too hard-going.  It is too hot for serious reading at the moment.

Browsing through some of my old notebooks I came across some poems I had written.  The following one is about Summer, so I thought that was appropriate for today.

Mt Maunganui ocean beach (2010)


Skies are blue, washed pale with heat,
Fluffy clouds form and just as quickly flee.
Cows swish tails to chase away flies,
And cicadas chirp loudly from their tree. 

Next door’s children squeal with delight,
Squirting each other with the hose.
Gardens swelter beneath the sun,
As one by one we shed our clothes.

By the sea the crowds gather;
Claiming to have fun on the hot sand.
Splashing in the cool ocean waves,
As summer spreads across the land.

* * * * * * * 

This photo was taken in Napier during 2009.  I think it is a great way to disguise the functionality of public toilet facilities!

Linked to Monday Mural


  1. It's an idyllic world painted on this wall. Before the sixth mass extinction. It's very touching that somebody has decide to paint his house like that. I like your poem to

  2. That is a pretty mural Margaret, so much better than a boring toilet block. Your poem is very nice. It's been a bit hotter than that here in Perth, 36C yesterday and the day before, but just 26C today!
    Thanks for participating.

  3. The creative use of murals is under-appreciated and underused and as is the case here beautifies an otherwise utilitarian building. Australia seems to be in the lead inasmuch as murals are concerned.

  4. How delightful you're poem is! I love the mural, here it'd be covered in graffiti. I don't know why kids do it, but they do. I don't blame our local authorities, they've tried many deterrents, but it's an on going nuisance. I'm longing for some warmer weather. Best, Jane x

  5. ...Hi Margaret, when I'm in Maui these are familiar scenes, the beach and the mural.

  6. Great mural and an excellent disguise.

    You poem gives a visual of summer for sure. Love it.

  7. That is a good poem! And I like the disguise, too.

  8. Love the poem and the mural, too. It sure was hot on our way back to Taranaki on Sunday, but I hope it cools off for you. Love the murals on the toilets--I took photos of the toilets at Benneydale! I will post them soon.

    My Corner of the World


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