Look who I caught in the act this morning when I pulled my curtains.
Mr Snail (or was it Mrs?) was
making a quick getaway after a night-time raid on my strawberry patch, which
sits immediately below the window.
With the warm damp weather, the snails and slugs have been
out in force the last few days. I know
they are part of Nature, but why do they have to munch so much?
I can see I am going to have to resort to some slug bait to
control the invasion or I am going to end up with no garden.
I remember one year, a while ago now, going out at night and
“harvesting” snails and feeding them to the hens the next morning. The chickens eventually got tired of their
snail diet and I had to drown the things instead.
I’m afraid I’m not so organic anymore – these days it is
much easier to use slug bait and be done with it.
Do you have a favourite method of getting rid of these slimy
little night raiders?
Margaret 😊