Friday 1 September 2023

Up, Down, And Down Again


What a bumpy month August has been, healthwise.  I’m sorry I haven’t been posting, or visiting other blogs, but I simply haven’t felt up to it. 

I’m still undergoing tests so not really sure what is going on, but it seems possible there is more than one issue happening at the same time.

Hopefully September will be a better month, especially as it signals the start of Spring.  Many birds around here have been getting quite territorial and amorous for a couple of weeks now, so no doubt it won’t be long before we start hearing little cheeps around the place (especially from the noisy sparrows!).

And this last week, our resident blackbirds have begun singing their Dawn Chorus.  What a welcome sound that is.

My little garden has been giving me much joy.  My first Iceland Poppy shyly opened its petals this morning, hovering over the Violet and Sweet Alyssum which have been scenting the air for some days now.

I love to sit out here when the day is warm and the icy winds are not blowing.

Welcome to Spring 😊




September’s photo is of the Rangitaiki River in the Bay of Plenty.  This scene was taken from Thornton, where the river empties into the Pacific Ocean (this river is not to be confused with the Rangitikei River lower down the North Island).  In the background can be seen the volcanic cone of Mt Edgecumbe.

This photo was taken back in 2008 so no doubt the view has changed since then as the river has suffered a few floods in that time.



  1. I'm glad to see you blogging again Margaret. I do hope they quickly get to the bottom of your health issues and can sort them out properly. Isn't the warmer weather a pleasant change. Just some blue sky makes me feel so much better. Wishing you a better month, with good news from the medical boffins.

  2. Oh Margaret, that doesn't sound too good - I trust you (and the medical team(s) can get to the bottom of it all for you. A wonderful header photo - I love it
    The tuis are around here, and they love feeding on the camellia blossoms just out side my bedroom window. That was very much appreciated yesterday when a virus had laid me low'

  3. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hopefully it gets sorted soon for you. Until then, I wish you peaceful restful days to enjoy your garden.

  4. Margaret - really sorry to read you are under seige. I hope that you get some answers soon. Knowing is power. And keep finding joy in your garden, cats, family and friends. Spring always helps. Best wishes.

  5. I hope you feel better soon, spring being so close will help, we are hoping here for one last blast of summer, it's not been great this year, more rain than sun.

  6. Welcome back. Hope you have turned the corner.

  7. I'm so sorry you are dealing with health issues. It certainly makes life a bit more challenging when we don't feel our best. Healing thoughts being sent your way. Your header is stunning! How relaxing it must be to visit there.

  8. My best wished for figuring things out and the best possible outcome for your health issues. I do love Springtime, my one (so far) visit to New Zealand was in October, so late Spring and it was a delightful experience.

  9. Hope you get to spend lots of time relaxing and smelling those flowers.

  10. I love Iceland Poppies with their tissue paper petals but they don't like our wet winters and I have not succeeded in wintering any through.
    It was so nice to see that you had a blog post today but I'm sorry that your health has been a concern. Hopefully you'll feel better soon. No fun at all feeling under the weather. GM

  11. Love the header, Margaret. I hope you feel better soon.

  12. Sorry to hear of your health problems, hope they are sorted soon. We have been forecast a week of sunshine here in my corner of the UK, after a very wet July and a changeable August so I’m hoping for a last blast of Summer although the trees have started colouring up for Autumn. Love the poppy.

  13. Hope all will be clear soon, health-wise!. And that many baby-birds will entertain you soon. And warm weather and flowers. Please keep sharing cause we´re really heading to Autumn (soon only, I hope?)

  14. Hope the medical people can sort out your problems and you start to feel better soon. Roll on spring (wet here again today).

  15. Sending you good wishes...I hope you're feeling better quickly and that you can get answers you need. That is so frustrating...the waiting. Take care of yourself...enjoy that lovely garden and the birdsong.

  16. I hope you find out what is going on so you can feel better soon!

  17. I know what you mean. I am so tired of being sick. Of course working in retail doesn't help with sick people coming and going all the time every day. I've been ill at least 6 times over Winter. I'm hoping with the warmer temperatures it will be better.


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