Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Searching For Health


My life has not always been a healthy one.  I almost died from meningitis as a toddler, have experienced cancer twice as an adult, and had various other health issues that have generally been more persistently annoying than life threatening.

Over recent years I have struggled with arthritis, high blood pressure, being overweight, several digestive issues (why are they all given different names as they all deal with one body system?), adverse side effects from medications, and lately a viral infection of the liver. 

Carrot and Celery Juice has become a staple in my diet now

I am soon to enter my seventieth decade and the thought that I may live another twenty years (as many of my ancestors have done), with less than good health, is a thought that fills me with an odd kind of dread.

I believe in a Creator God who made our bodies so incredibly perfect that medical science is still trying to figure it all out.  I also believe that, given half a chance, the body has an amazing ability to heal itself from almost any ailment. 

Sometimes it needs help to get started on this journey, and this is what I am attempting to do now by transitioning from a typical “Western Diet” to a more natural one.

I am not interested in following any set “diet” plan, or sticking rigidly to an exercise programme.  These things may be useful to some, but I prefer to listen to my own body and make my own choices. 

After all, we are all different – we all have different needs, different beliefs – we are all individuals who can make our own choices in what we do.

God may control the quantity of our life, but He has given us control over the quality of life we have.

Let’s enjoy Life every day, as long as we can 😊




  1. Best of luck, I hope it all goes well for you!

  2. I encourage you to try whatever 'diet' suits your particular situation and keep at it until you feel well again.
    It's unfortunate that you have various health issues but with your great attitude and perseverance you'll get there. Wishing you all the best, Granny M.

  3. It seems like every year it gets a bit harder health wise. We cook most everything from scratch and avoid highly processed foods...I hope that helps!

  4. My mum always said 'use it, don't lose it' and never stopped doing things, which is what I try to do. I do enjoy a weekly class of Pilates, gentle stretching, helps easy any aches I have as well.

  5. Good luck, Margaret. I will you the best!

  6. I am not sure that listening to your body is better than a planned regime. Take a quick look at some people and it is obvious their body is delivering the wrong message!

  7. I am in the same dilema with my diet and I am embarking on a new plan myself. Hopefully it will make it better and make me not feel like such an abject failure! Good luck with your journey, look forward to hearing about your progress.

  8. Eating intuitively is something I am doing more now. Since having COVID recently, I don’t have much of an appetite, but I have always eaten scratch-made food. Your body must be strong, having healed from so many ailments. Bless you on your journey. daisy

  9. You've been through a lot. Listening to your body is a good idea. Good health to you

  10. Lots of good advice in the comments so far. Getting older is definitely a challenge at times. I think we should do whatever we feel able to, eat whatever food we fancy, enjoy gentle exercise, and all in moderation.

  11. That's pretty much what I think, we are all on different journeys. I'm happy you beat cancer.

  12. I agree, listen to your body.
    Since I was 17 my breasts bugged me. Last week I finally went. Sadly two doctors are needed and one is sick, so I will have to wait till next year. But the doc said he had a patient who came to him at age 70 to get "rid" of the "mass". She regretted not having it done 30 years earlier.
    We get (hopefully) older and older and we should feel good!

  13. I hear you Margaret - I now have what is a basically plant based diet - the body did not like the change when I was in hospital recently, but I took fresh fruit at every option and minimised the refined bread etc. I do feel much better overall with the plant based diet

    1. That's great Maxine. I feel better too but my comprised kidneys decided they couldn't handle that much potassium all of a sudden and I nearly ended up in hospital yesterday. Have had to modify my diet a bit but still going gluten and dairy free. I just need to change a bit more slowly and drink lots of water :)

  14. Well said. I think many of us of a certain age worry about living the last 15 or 20 years of our life in poor health. A scary thought, and one that is all too common.

  15. Hi Margaret, When I was having trouble with digestive issues recently I consulted a food nutritionist as I wasn't able to control the problem myself. You have overcome so much so are probably much better equipped to trust your instincts but if all else fails I'd definitely recommend a food nutritionist. I feel better now than I have in years. Good luck.

  16. Inspiring're so right. I do worry about things as I get older...things I never thought much about before. All I can do is try to keep healthy (with much chocolate, I confess) and try my best to enjoy each day. Yes, easier said than done some days...


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