Friday 12 July 2024

Old Fashioned?

Apparently I am a little old-fashioned with my homemaking. 
Every day, whatever the weather, I make sure to open windows and/or doors for at least 10 minutes every day to allow the house to air out (much longer on sunny days).

Without fail, our drapes get drawn closed every evening and opened up again every morning. 

It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't do these things. Instead, they allow their homes to become musty dreary places that drag your spirit down.
I much prefer to have sunlight streaming into the house - even on a day like today when we had a heavy frost and kept the fire going much longer than usual. 

Fresh air and sunshine are, to me, basic requisites for a pleasant home and personal good health. 
Wouldn't you agree? 
Margaret xx 


  1. Fresh air and a bit of sunshine are essential. I do the same in the morning. As you say, closed up houses smell so stale

  2. Your home deco looks lovely. No way it is old fashioned.

  3. I'm with you, windows and doors open, let the air flow, but often in summer months we don't close the sitting room blinds, we can view our garden all evening, happily we are not overlooked.

  4. I totally agree Margaret - it is recognised that a window opened for an hour a day, even only a few inches open, improves the 'health' of the house and helps prevent mould and also improves the inhabitants health!! Like you I always have my windows open for a least a few minutes a day.

  5. I have noticed that a lot of younger home-makers keep their curtains closed all day. I can't decide whether it is because they are out at work all day and are worried about security, or whether they like privacy but don't want to put up old fashioned net curtains. It must be like living in a cave! I open my curtains every day and I love having the windows open when the weather allows. It makes such a difference to the atmosphere indoors.

  6. I cannot stand to not have sunshine coming in...and if me alone I would have windows open.

  7. Agreed, a thousand times over! I must have light and air. We only close the curtains on hot days to keep out the sun. We have no neighbours but wildlife... The bedroom window is open a bit, even on the coldest nights.

  8. I close blinds or drapes in the evening and open windows when the weather allows. Fresh air is everything!

  9. Call it old-fashioned but it is knowledge that would serve younger people well - those who complain of condensation and damp, mouldy homes but never encourage airflow through the place. Mum always threw the windows wide every morning, and I try to do the same (living on a boat was the best illustration ever of what air flow can do for managing condensation and stale air). My other half is slightly more reticent to have his warm damp stale air exchanged for a few minutes of bracing freshness. As for natural light ... well ... why pay for electricity to light a place if daylight will do it for you?

  10. Nothing wrong with those habits, you just keep on doing your thing. You are definitely doing the right thing!

  11. Tracy has expressed my view so well. My DIL for one will leave her blinds closed all the time!! It never fails to puzzle me.

  12. I certainly agree. And unless it's dreadful weather ,I try to do something outdoors each day.We have DVS system so the air does remain fresh, but there's something about the movement of air that is important. I recently had 17 days in hospital and was only able to get fresh air twice - when the family came to visit and as the children were not allowed on the Ward, I was put in a wheelchair and taken to the cafe, which opened onto a small garden-like area. The fresh air on my face was so wonderful!

    We have double glazing, but I do go around in the early evening and close all the windows, and that helps keep the place feeling warm. But they get opened again first thing in the morning.

    I must confess I don't 'strip down' the bed every day, as my mother did, and as we had to do at boarding school. Bed making is so much easier these days that it doesn't get the same level of attention it used to, I guess.

    1. I can relate to your comment about the lack of fresh air in hospital. I hope you are feeling much better now. I must admit I don't strip the bed down every day either! Mxx


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