Saturday 13 July 2024

Steamed Beetroot

I bought a few beetroot from the supermarket. 
Usually I boil them, but this time I thought I'd try steaming them.

Wash well and trim the ends.
Steam until cooked, usually about 45 to 60 minutes depending on their size.

When they are cool enough to handle, rub off the skin (this needs to be done before they get cold).
Wearing gloves prevents the fingers from being stained. 

Prepare the beetroot as desired, ready for eating. 
This time I chopped two roots into cubes and sprinkled them with a little balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper, and some finely chopped parsley and chives.  Toss and refrigerate. 
I ate them for my lunch, on a bed of lettuce. 

The remaining two were sliced, sprinkled with salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar, then left to marinate in the fridge in some apple cider vinegar.
That will make a nice side dish for a couple of meals. 

Home cooked beetroot is so different to the canned stuff.
Margaret xx 


  1. It is an absolutely different culinary experience isn't it! I often scrub them and put them in a baking dish with a bit of water, cover them tightly and leave them in the oven while I'm cooking other things. Delicious.

    1. I am thinking I need to be more adventerous in how I cook these - there seems to be so many different ways and I should try some of them.

  2. Mom always canned beets...they were so pretty.

  3. I can recommend cooking them in the slow cooker (crock pot?). Add a pint of water and half a teaspoon of salt - doesn’t matter if the beetroot isn’t covered by the water - then 8 hours on low. Rub off the skins while still hot as you have done. I like this method because I'm not steaming up the kitchen and I can just forget about them for 8 hours🙂

    1. Sounds like a great easy method - I like the idea of not having to check on them all the time.

  4. The beetroot remind me of summer - I have also roasted small cubes of beetroot and love it - the cubes have to be small as it takes so long to cook it in comparison to other root vegetables... I must keep an eye out for some small beetroot...

    1. There seems to be a good supply in the shops at the moment :)

  5. Replies
    1. Home cooked ones taste much better than canned, but the best have to be freshly dug from your own garden and then cooked up :)

  6. I cook our beetroot in a similar manner.i live them with vinegar. But I love canned or bottled beetroot too. A slightly different taste. Its probably got sugar in it.

  7. I have been cutting the peeled beet into bite size pieces and roasting it in the oven. So good!

  8. I will have to buy beetroot again as they really are good and as you say, so much better than tinned. I usually just boil them but will steam them now.

  9. I especially love to get Beetroot from a farmer's market type location, young enough that the greens are still good. When we used to grow our own, the very best was when we thinned the rows and had tiny roots and greens and just a quick boil together (after washing, of course) made a great little veg.

  10. I like beets but rarely buy any. The ones available in winter here are not all that good but I should look for nice fresh ones ( available now). Thanks for the idea.
    I agree about that comment from K-J. In the future I'll delete them.

  11. I've been pulling beets every other day or so, cooking them and keeping them in the fridge for snacking. A sprinkle of salt, and I can eat them just like that.


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