Thursday 11 July 2024

A Firewood Wall

Having a log-burner is a great way to keep our house warm.
Son stocks up on firewood over summer, but storage is limited and he needed to buy a top-up.
It was delivered today and dropped in the driveway. 

This load was well-dried gum tree (eucalyptus).
It was all neatly stacked into a wall, before the plastic cover was lowered over it for protection from wet weather. 

Meanwhile, I began work on deep cleaning the spare room in preparation for my daughter's visit next month.

The artificial flowers make a colourful focal point as one walks down the hallway. 
The old curtains were in a disgusting condition so have been thrown out.
The plan is to buy some new ones tomorrow. 
Margaret xx 


  1. I am not familiar with gum wood, but that looks a lot harder than the pine we have around home. I bet that burns really well!

    1. Each piece is very heavy so it is quite solid (it has been barn dried for two years). It burns well and lasts a long time. Explains why it cost more than other firewood!

  2. Nice looking firewood. Stacking it is always a good workout.

  3. So nice to see the neatly stacked wood. When eucalyptus wood burns does it have a pleasant smell?

    1. No smell that we have noticed, not even the dry wood. Macrocarpa (Monterey cypress) and Manuka (teatree) have a lot more aroma.

  4. Ah yes, firewood - we used to joke that it warmed us three times - the collecting from the forest, the splitting and stacking to dry, and then the actual burning - never mind the moving from the stack to the fire, depending on when we used the fire as to how many times the latter happened.
    The flowers give a really cheerful look to the room - I hope you can find curtains that you like, and that fit the window frame

    1. I'v heard that joke as well. Nowadays, I just sit and enjoy the warmth :)

  5. I love the smell of Eucalyptus trees

    1. So do I. It is a shame the firewood doesn't have the same smell. But the warmth it is putting out is what is really important :)

  6. Firewood warms you twice..once when cutting and/or stacking it and again when you burn it! I bet you are excited to see your daughter...does she live far away?

    1. She lives with her husband in Arizona, so we don't see each other very often.

  7. It doesn't spark then - or are you burning it in a closed fire? I used to hate marcocarpa firewood as a kid because if you were sitting on the mat in front of the fire you would be peppered with parks as the resin pockets exploded.

    1. This gum doesn't seem to crackle as much as the macrocarpa, but it is in a closed log burner. I, too, remember childhood days of sparking fires and diving for the hearth shovel when one would escape the firescreen and land on the floor. I feel the enclosed fire is much more efficient for heat than an open fire, so it is better all round.

  8. We get a bit of eucalyptus wood. The coast roads have huge trees which are trimmed right down every few years. Anyone lucky enough to be around takes what they want. It burns well, let's off a lot of heat.
    Looks like you won't be feeling the cold this winter

    1. Woke up not long ago and it was down to -2 so the bedroom was a little chilly, but it didn't take long to get the fire up and running again (the fire was banked so the living rooms were cool but not freezing)

  9. That firewood is a comforting sight! The bedroom looks light and airy, and the flowers are a nice touch.

  10. We had a wood burner in our first home. My husband always says we haven’t been warm since!

  11. We have had our fire going too but we will have to order another load at some point. We have been going to the beach though to gather driftwood which has helped.

    1. I've had a beach fire with driftwood - one of life's great memories!

  12. We have a wood fire and had to have a wood splitting day to top up our wood supply
    We do have storage space so whenever we see free wood we just add it to the pile. Then we chop and slip it ready for use. It’s been very cold here in Melbourne, and next week is supposed to get even colder

    1. We have rain forecast for all next week, so not so cold but far more dreary. Stay warm :)


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