Tuesday 9 July 2024

Bone Density Scan

The big event in my day today was a scheduled appointment for a bone density scan.

I have a compression fracture on one vertebra, probably caused by arthritis,  and my doctor wanted to check out whether I also has osteoporosis. 
This is the DEXA scanner that was used by the friendly nurse who did the scanning. 

The procedure did not take very long, and I was given the results immediately - the bone density of my hips and spine is completely normal. 
That was welcome news!
Also welcome, was seeing some sunshine after four days of fog (yesterday we never once saw the sun and the day before wasn't much better).

The Lake had some great reflections, but everywhere was so busy (it's school holidays).
I was watching this lone Canada Goose swim by when I was accosted by a man wanting me to give him "a spare 20 cents."

That was enough for me (I said no), and I headed home again.
I'll go back when things are quieter.
Margaret xx 


  1. Glad your Bones are dense. What wonderful day. A bit cloudy here.

  2. Glad to hear your scan went well, and that the results were good!! Always nice to have good news on the health front!
    I can well imagine that the Lake and environs were busy... I dislike it when beggars approach, it's not always comfortable, and I basically never carry change now because of it, and I can say honestly I have no cash...
    Great to hear the sun broke through for you today - the reflections on the lake look amazing

  3. Glad to hear your scan produced normal results.

  4. Such good news about the bone density.. inammhapoy for you.

  5. A gorgeous winter day and good health news. Great!

  6. Good news the bone density is good. Bone density scans seem to be readily available in NZ if my mother's experience was anything to go by - virtually impossible to get here in UK.

  7. Nice to know your bones are fine. I had a bone scan some 20 years ago and was told I had osteopenia ( which as you might know is the beginning of osteoporosis) but since I try not to take medication I haven't done anything about it.
    Here's hoping you have more sunny days and less dreary ones in the week ahead.

  8. Good to have a scan. What did the fellow think he would do with 20 cents...probably would have grabbed your purse...scary!

    1. My thoughts exactly. I was glad my purse was hidden at the time - a good warning, I feel, that I need to be more careful in future.


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