Wednesday 8 January 2020

Little Women

It has been a while since I have had a day out in town just wandering around.  I went looking for a narrow bookcase but couldn't find what I wanted - I know it is online, so I will have to order it from there.

Filled the car up with petrol and bought myself a couple of new puzzle books, then headed to Chartwell shopping mall. 

Quite accidentally, I met my brother and wife there and it was nice to chat with them for awhile.

Midday found me sitting in the picture theatre with a whole lot of other old women - I felt quite at home! 

We had all come to watch the movie Little Women.  I remember reading the book when I was about 12 years old, so long ago that I had forgotten much of the story.

I loved seeing all the costumes (although I don't think I would want to dress like that today!) and it is a good story with a happy ending - even though I did have to brush away a few tears a couple of times.

Inside the movie theatre

After the movie I drove to Hamilton Lake and went for a short walk.  The place was crowded with children on holiday, all wanting to play in the playground.  Lots of noise!

From there it was a short drive to the supermarket and then back home again.

Hamilton Lake (it wasn't quite this dark, just cloudy)

Now the evening is beginning to draw in.  The sun is shining, the sky is a little cloudy, and the wind has dropped to a comfortable level.  Must be time to go and prepare some dinner.



  1. I too went to see Little Women yesterday and cried. How I do love Jo - even if the director took liberties with the story.

  2. I was just looking at the trailer then saw that you had done a post on it. Was looking for a film to go to on Tuesday 21st when we are having a power cut.

  3. Sounds like you had a good day out. Hope you enjoy your dinner equally.

  4. It sounds like a perfect day to me! Sleep well!

  5. I have seen Little women as a TV-series and I enjoyed the story very much. I liked it so much that I have seen it twice! Maybe I should see the movie too!

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely day. I hope to see Little Women soon. I've heard many good things about the movie.

  7. Do you like to do crossword puzzles? My DH used to do those a lot in the days before we had computers. My father, on the other hand, used to do 'word finds'.

    1. Crosswords were my mum's favourite puzzle, and my husband liked word-finds. I prefer mostly code-crackers, sudoku, and suguru. I do puzzles when I wake up at night to stop my brain going round and round in circles.

  8. I think I would call this a good day...if I had had it. And mine was not bad either. My supper is over and dishes are done...always a plus.


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