Sunday 1 September 2024

Spring Is Here

Mittens loves to follow me around. Here she is, peeping around the edge of the box hedging, keeping a close eye on me in the garden. 

I picked a solitary freesia and brought it inside to enjoy it at close quarters. 
The scent is heavenly. 

Today is officially the first day of spring, so it was quite appropriate to hear a blackbird singing when I woke up this morning.  A much nicer sound than the thunder we had for most of last night. 
I decided to celebrate Spring by having some (bought) Ginger Crunch for afternoon tea. 

Provincial rugby has also kicked off for the season, so I've been spending time (probably far too much!) watching their games on TV.

I never got up to watch the All Blacks play the Springboks in South Africa. I enjoy watching rugby, but I enjoy my sleep more!
Hope everyone is having a happy weekend. 
Margaret xx 

This photo, of a typical Waikato dairy farm, was taken near the end of 2022 (at the start of summer).
The large hill in the background is Kakepuku Mountain, south of Te Awamutu.



  1. Ginger crunch. Oh my..... you enjoy all my favourites. I think I have made it myself in days gone by. I might have to do some baking.

  2. You joy is our sadness, Autumn is coming at us, the nights are longer, mornings cooler, it only seams like yesterday we were singing spring is here. Enjoy it.

    1. The year seems to be racing along very fast this year. Autumn is also a lovely season, one of my favourites (except for the fact that it leads into winter!).

  3. Mittens is such a beautiful cat! Sleepmalways wins with me if given my choice.

  4. Meteorological fall has arrived here! Breezy this AM, with a bit of coolness in the air, (16C) I wanted to snuggle down longer in the blankets with that lovely air wafting across the bed.
    Your china is so pretty. Ginger Crunch? You have reminded me...When I was in Aus., we made a delicious ginger flan with candied ginger, and a chocolatey crumb crust. Have searched high and low for the recipe with no luck. Any ideas?
    Happy spring!

    1. Mmmmm, that sounds rather delicious but I'm afraid I have never heard of anything like that. Good luck with your searching.

  5. Ginger crunch was my Dad's favorite. I love the stuff but no longer subject sensitive teeth to quite so much sugar. Mittens, you are a great snoopervisor, and you have clearly trzined your staff to grow fabulous freesias.

  6. Mittens may just be what we laughingly call a dog-cat...most of the cats we've had are a little standoff-ish, but when one follows us around as a dog would, we call it a dog-cat! The freesia is so lovely...I don't think I've ever seen one here, but I'll have to find out if we can grow them. Afternoon tea sounds lovely...that may just be something I have to begin doing here.


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