Wednesday 4 September 2024

Beautiful Nature

Mittens woke me up quite early this morning.  It is very difficult to sleep-in when a cat is loudly purring in your ear!
However, it did mean I was able to watch the sun rise. These pink clouds showed up in the western sky - there wasn't a lot of colour around the sun itself.

The washing got done and was hung out to dry. The house got cleaned and thoroughly aired (I do love it when the house is filled with sunshine and cool fresh air).
Some apples got rescued from the bottom of the fridge and stewed up. I sweetened them with a little honey and cinnamon. 

Then it was off to Bunnings Hardware store with son.  We came home with a bird bath, something I've been wanting for a long time. 

There has already been a fantail flitting around, so I'm hopeful it won't be long before the birds discover it.
When I went to fill the bath, I found this little skink sunning itself next to the hose.

One of the greatest joys in life surely has to be observing the beautiful world around us. 
Margaret xx 


  1. Yes, beauty does lift the spirit - I do love your pretty birdbath, and the wee skink looks exquisite.
    I do love the early morning reflections on the clouds - we also had the house open for some hours this morning, but it cooled down, and mid-afternoon we had a hail storm!!

  2. The bird bath is decorative and wonderful for the birds. I would like one here. I wonder....

  3. I couldn’t agree more, Margaret. Nature is a magnificent gift!

  4. I love seeing the bounty of funa in my garden. The birds will be so happy during summer to come and use your birdbath. Apparently if you put pebbles in as well the bees can come drink as well


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