Friday 20 September 2024

MyGardens Pass

Hamilton has an amazing asset with its collection of themed gardens, and they attract thousands of visitors each year.
From this month onwards, there will be an entrance fee for non-city residents.

I completed my initial application online, then visited the Gardens to finalize things and receive the card that allows me free access for two years.

The entrance to the Gardens has been revamped,  and I feel it has been done very tastefully. 

It is only the specialty gardens that are being charged for. There are still many acres of other gardens that remain free to wander through. 
Margaret xx 


  1. Good for you getting a free pass to the specialty part of the garden. Nice that there's a lot more and that part is free.

  2. I visited the garden in April 2023 and have to say that they are worth every penny of the $20 entry fee being charged now. Absolutely fantastic and I look forward to visiting again when some of the new gardens are open.


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