Sunday 29 September 2024

Cupboard Cleaning

It looks like I am getting Spring Fever in the house as well as the garden this year (the gardening bug always bites me in Spring).
I have this urge to further downsize my possessions. I think part of it is laziness - I want things to be really easy to care for.  Gone are the days of energetic housework!
First it was sorting the pantry (which is working well), and now I have  turned out the small sideboard cupboard and removed several items I seldom, if ever, use.
A wipe down of the shelves, things put back, and I am happy it no longer looks crammed with items.

I tidied the top as well (the flowers are artificial but perfect for this dark corner), but still have the drawers to do yet.

Cleaning and clearing things out feels good!
Margaret xx 


  1. Good for you Margaret, I'm doing much the same thing :)

  2. The spring clean bug is great for finally doing those jobs you have been putting off for ages.
    I’ve still got a few to do

  3. It does! I just cleaned out one the other day. It makes it so much easier to find and use things.

  4. Such a sense of accomplishment when one does some clearing out!

  5. Everything looks really nice, and you’re right it does make us feel better! I’ve been doing the same thing - sorting out what I never use, it felt good to donate them so maybe someone else might be able to use them. I’m no longer having things tumble out of the cupboard or having to fight through “stuff” to get to what I really want! Thanks for the reminder – I still have more to do!

  6. Spring cleaning is satisfying especially if you can get rid of some 'stuff'. Everything is looking clean and cleat

  7. We got rid of so, so much when we moved in with our daughter, and I still look for things to get rid of.

  8. I wanted to add that I love the flowers in that corner.

  9. Your sideboard cupboard is looking great both inside and on top. The pretty artificial flowers are perfect for that corner. Tidying up has its rewards.


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