Thursday 26 September 2024

New Flowers

Son and I went to the local hardware store and bought several punnets of seedlings for our respective gardens. 
I bought these ones.

Son cares for the main gardens and I have my little tub garden.
Last year I wasn't well enough to be able to care for the pots on the deck, as I had done previously.  
This year is so different, and it felt good to be potting up seedlings again.

Now we wait for them all to flower!

I'm looking forward to sitting in the shade of the umbrella on a sunny summer's afternoon, looking at all the pretty flowers.
Roll on Summer!
Margaret xx 


  1. I like all your choices; all pretty and all ones I've enjoyed through the years except Impatients which will not grow for me. I've tried a number of times and they simply do not thrive.
    I'm so glad you're feeling better this year.

  2. What a great thing to be able to be well enough to do some more gardening - that is always theraputic! I am also looking forward to summer!!
    The computer is back up and running, but I am going to be very selective about which blogs I visit from now on, as I feel so much more relaxed without charging around every evening to visit those I follow - this should also give me more time for other crafts.

  3. Summer is not far away now. The worst is over. It will be lovely sitting on that deck admiring your post of flowers

  4. I look forward to seeing them, too...they will brighten winter days if you show them to us.

  5. Hope springs eternal...for a gardener! Enjoy! So glad to hear you are up to it, this year.

  6. I am happy to hear you are feeling so much better this year, Margaret. You will have a bloomin’ summer by the look of it.

  7. I would love to be planting flower seeds today. Here we are just going into Fall. Got several months to go before I can think about gardening again. :( You have a nice deck, a good place for enjoying flowers and sunshine.


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