Monday 30 September 2024

Retiring For The Night


Here is today's quote:

“In retiring for the night, it is well to remember that early rising is almost impossible, if late going to bed be the order, or rather disorder, of the house.  The youngest members of a family should go early and at regular hours to their beds, and the domestics as soon as possible after a reasonably appointed hour.  Either the master or the mistress of a house should, after all have gone to their separate rooms, see that all is right with respect to the lights and fires below; and no servants should, on any account, be allowed to remain up after the heads of the house have retired.”

This little gem of wisdom was written by Mrs Isabella Beeton in her 1861 book “Beeton’s Book of Household Management.”  This book became a famous English compendium on how to run a home (with servants), and how to cook almost anything. 

The book I own is a first edition facsimile and makes a fascinating read.

Margaret xx 


  1. I couldn’t imagine living in a huge house with servants. I’m not sure I’d like it. I think I’d get very bored if I had people to do everything.

  2. A quote that seems peculiar to us today, but there is wisdom there, especially regards children.
    Love that Camelia!!

  3. I love these old management tips, I have a later version of that book.


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