Sunday 22 September 2024

Happy Anniversary

I was married 51 years ago today.
We have started a new tradition so I can mark the occasion with a special afternoon tea. 
Eldest Son made a carrot cake and Youngest Son joined us for tea and cake.

The dove-and-ring ornament on my slice of cake is the only decoration I still have from my wedding cake.
This particular cup set always reminds me of my husband as he used to make tea in it for me on special occasions. 
Sweet memories 💖 
Margaret xx 


  1. All those special dates are bittersweet, aren't they? Thankfulness for happy memories, good times and sadness they're memories not being newly minted. The cake looks yummy, and the cup set is a treasure.

  2. I'm so pleased that your memories are sweet ones. May you continue to remember your husband for many years to come.

  3. What a lovely idea. Heather

  4. It can be a lonely time, so I'm glad to read your son's came to enjoy tea with you. Carrot cake looks yummy.


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