Sunday 15 September 2024

In My Pantry

As I grow older, more and more I am wanting to simplify my life.
I decided it is time to stop wanting and start doing, so this morning all the pantry contents got pulled out and examined.
When I married, I had far less items in my pantry. We ate white bread (none of that stuff with 'bits' in it), quinoa was unheard of, and yoghurt was something that hippies ate. 
I use all those now, but I still have things like buckwheat (don't like) and dill seed (no longer use) that I can dispose of.
I'm about halfway through the job, but am not rushing it.

The afternoon was taken up with watching another Ranfurly Shield rugby game, this time between Tasman and Wellington. 
It was an exciting game, wtih Tasman successfully defending their title.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. 
Margaret xx 


  1. You have a very neat and tidy pantry!

  2. How nice to have a clean pantry with just the things you use.
    And watching rugby is the best way to relax afterwards......I'm sure

  3. Wow, Tasman beat Wellington, I didn't expect that. I didn't see the match, was visiting a friend in a rest home.

  4. I always prefer a large screen for visual impact

  5. I love how neat your pantry is!

  6. Your pantry looks very neat and tidy. I’d love to say it’s inspired me to clean and organise mine. But I just cannot tell a lie lol

  7. Great job! Wish I had mine done! I can’t stay home long enough. There is a long winter ahead though! Sigh!

  8. That looks very neat and well-organised.

  9. Your Pantry cupboard contents look very neat and tidy Margaret- a job well done. KEV.

    1. Wow! Your pantry looks so nice. If you lived closer I would try talking you into coming over here and helping me get mine organized.
      I know nothing about rugby I assume it is something close to our American football, but then again I've never seen a game so I really don't know. Have a wonderful week.
      You're blogging friend Connie

  10. What a beautifully organized pantry you have 💗.

  11. Yes, isn't it amazing how our tastes, and what we store, changes over the years.. well done on purging!


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