Monday 2 September 2024

Father's Day

It was Father's Day here yesterday, and son's daughter arrived last night with some cupcakes she had made especially for him.

We had thick fog this morning, but it cleared by lunchtime and turned into a beautiful blue-sky afternoon. 
It won't be long now before the poplars are clothed with leaves again.

My wallflowers have begun flowering. 

And so have the dwarf snapdragons. 

The stocks are still blooming, but they ended up being all single ones. Not that I mind too much - the double flowers might look prettier but I think the singles have more scent.

The daphne, alyssum, freesias and violets continue to flower.

It was lovely to sit in the garden, soak up the sun, and inhale the heady fragrance of spring flowers.
Margaret xx 


  1. Beautiful flowers, all things my grandmother would have grown and I love them. I swear i can smell stocks as i type. I much prefer the singles for the simple elegance of their flowers and agree the scent seems better. Singles are always better for pollinating insects too.

  2. What wonderful cupcakes your grand daughter made - I hope they tasted as good as they look!
    Your garden sounds so fragrant - you are way ahead of us, being that much warmer than here.

    1. Being in containers in a sheltered spot against a warm sunny wall helps a lot!!

  3. The cupcakes look delicious. The flowers are so pretty.

  4. You have reminded me of stocks...a lovely scented, old fashioned plant. Will have to add them to my seed order in the spring!

  5. Must be so nice to look out and see all that colour in the garden.

    1. My little garden is all in tubs (plants are crammed in!) beneath my bedroom window, so I actually have to go outside to see them. However, I can smell them when the window is open!

  6. Ahh…spring! It is looking more like autumn here every day.

  7. How short your winter seems to have been and now already so many flowers blooming.
    Your granddaughter made some very pretty cupcakes. Nice that she could come for a visit.

  8. The little cakes look delicious and I am sure they tasted as good as they look.


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