Friday 30 August 2024

Another Apron

I have been so happy with the apron I hand-stitched together several weeks ago, that I have begun work on another one.
The first was cut from one side of a $3 thrifted duvet cover, and I have cut this one from the reverse side of the same cover.

Spring is showing signs of arriving - sparrows and magpies are looking for mates and we no longer feel the need for a fire every night.
The mornings are still cool, though, often resulting in lots of condensation on the windows. 

I don't mind the condensation when it is followed by a warm, mostly sunny, day that quickly dries the washing.

Unfortunately,  the afternoon turned very windy and mostly cloudy with the threat of another thunderstorm. 
We had a very loud one (with lots of thunder) pass over us last night - Mittens hid under my bed but Millie just looked up, mildly surprised by all the noise, and promptly went back to sleep.

Changeable weather is definitely another sign that Spring is on our doorstep.
Margaret xx 


  1. There is something really happy about that washing drying on the line. Great photo.

  2. I love the fabric and cant wait to see the finished apron. I always loved to hang clothes out.

  3. What great value you have obtained from that duvet cover Margaret.
    We had enough fine weather to give the washing a good blow, but had to get it in after about 90 minutes - and after that it rained on and off all day...
    Yes, I have noticed the increase in birdsong of late, and the lengthening days also. The weather is so typically spring - it doesn't really know it's own mind...

  4. Our days had been lovely. But lately we are getting lots of windy and stormy weather
    Love being able to dry washing on the line

  5. So windy here too. My car on the free way is taking off by the wind

  6. Summer is cooler here now in the evenings and the days are so much shorter. Sigh!

  7. Interesting how differently Millie and Mittens react to the noisy storm. I haven't noticed Miss Kitty hiding from noise but she's used to the shop vac in the garage and it is loud.
    That duvet cover had a pretty pattern on both sides!

  8. Love the scent of laundry that has dried out in the sun and the breeze. Looking forward to seeing your second apron. Making a cross-back apron is on my sewing list for this winter's crafting.


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