Saturday 10 August 2024


My day usually begins with a cup of hot water, but today I started with a delicious juicy orange. 
Most of our commercial navel oranges are grown in sunny Northland, but these were grown in Gisborne. 

Muesli followed, soaked overnight in milk and then mixed with plain yoghurt and topped with fresh tamarillos. 

I don't normally have toast but I did this morning, just for giggles. 
One piece of Vogel's wholegrain toast with marmalade.

After all that, I felt quite replete!
It was a great start to a sunny day.  I even got to sit out in the garden for a while, watching goldfinches feeding on the lawn, a couple of plovers chasing away a hawk, and a large magpie chortling from the top of a tree.  
Margaret xx 


  1. It looks delicious :) I'm just a tea and toast girl but occasionally like a bit of muesli with fresh fruit. We've had a couple of nice sunny days too but not quite warm enough to sit out in yet - well not for this old girl :)

  2. Toast and marmalade , a classic which I love too. Now and again. With lots of butter and loads of marmalade

  3. The orange looks does the toast.

  4. Your breakfast and watching the birds all sound lovely.

  5. A very healthy way to start your day!

  6. A lovely and healthy start to a great day. I'm a coffee and toast person which I have before our morning walk. An hour later I'm ready for a second cup of coffee and a small snack. (Which fellow was it in Lord of the Rings who had "second breakfast"?)

  7. Oranges are never very good here in the summertime...winter is better! I usually have granola and yogurt for breakfast and sometimes a bananna:)

  8. Hi Margaret, I know we grow good oranges up here but I can also vouch for our lemons. I've enjoyed more than my share these past few days as I battle a cold. Your breakfast looks yummy. I enjoyed my cuppa this morning sitting in the sun watching the birds. Spring must really be coming.

  9. A wonderful healthy way to start the day - especially sitting in the sun :)


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