Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Price Of Lamb

Hamilton is often known as being a foggy city, and lately it has been doing its best to live up to its unwanted reputation. 

The fog never stopped my visiting the supermarket, though, where many prices still seem to be on an upward slide.
I was idly browsing meat prices and discovered these.  It left me feeling a little stunned - homegrown NZ lamb cutlets at $64.99 per kilo!
Needless to say, I never bought any. I purchased a homegrown NZ lamb leg roast instead, at $17.99 per kilo.  I have no idea why there was such a price difference.

I'm continuing to enjoy watching Olympic events.  Today the main one I watched was the finals of the individual equestrian jumping.  

Mittens is my near-constant companion when I'm viewing events, but I think she watches me more than the TV!

Thankfully, after the foggy morning, the sun shone all afternoon.  It has stopped me from becoming a Grouchy Old Woman!
Sunshine and smiles seem to be made for each other. 
Take care,
Margaret xx 


  1. The lamb cutlet price seems ridiculous.

  2. Oh dear, you certainly are having more than your fair share of fog, Margaret!!... we have had frosts, and some cloudy days, but not fog, thankfuilly.
    I can understand you being flabbergasted at the price of lamb cutlets - that is ridiculous!! We live off (homekill) beef and chicken... and also, I don't do the grocery shopping, so I am almost completely out of touch with prices, although my daughter has been commenting on the price rises.
    Mittens is looking at you very intently!!

    1. On the farm, we always had home-killed beef and mutton. I miss those days.

  3. Mittens looks very annoyed with you watching TV instead of her!

  4. Absolutely love lamb...but it is way too expensive here as well. Mittens is 'glowering' at you! Is that a lemon tree in the first picture?

    1. Yes, it is a lemon tree. The other one in the picture is a feijoa.

    2. Had to look that up! Never heard of it before. Thanks.

  5. I wonder if that price was a time at our little local grocery, they had something priced ridiculously low...and it was a mistake. I am a person that needs sunshine, too!

  6. Try buying them over the ditch……I wouldn’t bother - last time I looked they were AU$43 a kilo
    Chicken is our go to meat these days.

  7. Good grief. They don’t know how to charge for that lamb! I fear I wouldn’t be eating that cut of lamb either!

  8. We get NZ lamb here. A roast leg I think. It's about the same price as local lamb and can be very good. Cutlets are always more expensive but not that expensive!!!

  9. Good .... pick your expletive. I was raised on hogget and teg meat (slaughtered in the woolshed at home) never imagined there would come a day it would fetch those kind of prices. I wonder whose pockets most of that is going into.... the farmers? I suspect not given the price of a leg roast.

    1. I very much doubt the farmer sees any of it. We ate the leg roast for dinner and it was actually mutton (so much nicer than lamb, in our opinion), which possibly explains why it was cheaper.

  10. Lamb chops cost 28 AUD per kilo here

  11. The price of meat is beyond belief. Makes me glad I'm a vegetarian ( altho' DH buys an occasional ham and freezes it in portions) . Pork is much cheaper than beef here.

  12. Food price are rising (seems like) everytime I go to the grocery store. I don't know what to think about it. I feel sorry for big families. We all want to eat healthy but it's harder every day.

  13. I haven´t seen fog since I work in the city/from home, I miss it.
    Crazy price-difference in the lamb! Mittens is cute.

  14. Wow, $64.99 per kilo for lamb cutlets is quite a shock! I'm glad you found a more reasonable option. It sounds like Mittens is a great companion for your Olympic viewing sessions. Sunshine definitely helps lift the spirits.

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    1. Hi Melody. I enjoyed browsing your blog, especially the travel entries :)


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