Wednesday 28 August 2024

I Was Right

I said yesterday that today would be a better day and it was.
My mood may have been helped by getting out of the house for a while, even if it was just a visit to the supermarket. 

It might have been helped too by indulging in a sugar-fix!
(Don't worry, I never ate all of it!)

The freesias in my small garden have begun flowering and are spreading an intoxicating perfume across the path.
I felt inspired to try and sketch one of them.

It is good to find time to do things you enjoy. 
Margaret xx 


  1. Love your sketch - very pretty - and very clever

  2. That's a lovely sketch, you are very talented.

  3. I love the drawing of the freesia. You have talent!!

  4. Glad you are feeling better today Margaret - I dislike those 'blah' days as I call them!
    Getting out, even to the supermarket helps. Hmmm, that looks a yummy sugar hit ;)
    Love your sketch of the freesia - you are so talented

  5. Your sketch is wonderful! Sometimes getting out helps.

  6. Love your sketch. It is a great activity! Glad you are feeling better too.

  7. So glad to hear you’re feeling better - and you’re stronger than me, I would’ve definitely eaten all the sweet treats in one sitting! The sketch is really lovely, you have an eye to see and appreciate things, and the talent to be able to capture and remember them. Have you ever thought of selling your artwork?

  8. It's good to know your somber mood passed. I also find that getting out helps. And, chocolate helps too :)

  9. I have never heard of either of those sweet treats!

    1. Oh no, you don't know what you are missing! Shortbread base with gooey caramel covered in chocolate, and the bar is a sweet coconut confection, also coated in chocolate. Yum! :)


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