Sunday 18 August 2024

Farewell Whitianga

With one last look out the window this morning, we checked out of our motel and headed home.

We made several stops on our way, the first being for delicious hot scones at Mat's Cafe in Whitianga. 

At Hot Water Beach we could see people in the distance digging for hot water to sit in, but we didn't linger.
The two people in the photo had their spade and were heading off to join the crowd.

It was on to Tairua next, and over the infamous Pepe Stream bridge - in summer holiday traffic, trying to cross this one-way bridge (the only bridge) can be near impossible and tests the patience of many drivers (and passengers!).

We took a longer route home, stopping at Whangamata for lunch and a brisk beach walk.

At Morrinsville it was time for an icecream, before finally reaching Hamilton and home.
We had rain for parts of our journey, but it got steadily worse as time went on and we were welcomed home with grey skies and constant rain.

I'm feeling a bit tired tonight but glad to be home again.
However enjoyable traveling is, there really is no place quite like your own home!
Margaret xx


  1. I thought that Bridge was being replaced a few years ago. Sounds like you had a lovely break away.

  2. What a lovely trip with your daughter

  3. I have sure enjoyed the things you have share from your trip. You are so right that it is always so good to get home.

  4. You live in an amazing country! My kids visited there last year!

  5. Sounds like you had a great trip, but you are right, there is no place like home. We have a busy one way bridge here in Windcave National Park. It can sometimes be very frustrating.

  6. Coming home is lovely even if a vacation is wonderful. Have a great week!

  7. Sounds like you had quite the adventurous trip, Margaret! From scones to scenic stops, it must have been a memorable journey. Wishing you a restful and beautiful week ahead! Check out my new style post: Thank you.

  8. All good things come to an end. Good thing the heavy rain held off until you got closer to home.

  9. That sounds like a leisurely and enjoyable trip home - yes the weather has not been very pleasant of late... although it improved somewhat today, thankfully. I agree, there is nothing quite like your own hearth and bed!

  10. You've had a lovely 'getaway' and made some great memories. Always good to return home.


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