Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Scent Of Olden Days

I inherited this tiny glass vase from my grandmother.  I can remember her using it to display little posies of violets.
My tiny violet patch only provided these few flowers, but they are enough to spread sweet fragrance through my bedroom. 

I did some more stitching on my apron.
It was difficult dealing with the gathers, and I'm wondering if it would have been easier using pleats.

I managed to get it stitched up anyway.
Not much left to finish now.

After a lovely sunny day, the temperature is now dropping.  Frosts are forecast for the morning. 
It might be a good morning to sleep-in!
Margaret  xx

Tuesday 2 July 2024


Well, the rain arrived overnight and everything is now sodden under foot.
But today we have had the odd burst of sunshine.
With lots of showers still hanging around, I have seen five separate rainbows today (one was a double).

They appeared when the sun shone as well as during rain showers.

I dodged raindrops to buy my normal Tuesday groceries. 
The treat for today was a chocolate eclair. 

I also bought some Drunken Woman lettuce seedlings and got them planted up in a pot.

Keep smiling 😃 
Margaret  xx

Monday 1 July 2024

Comfort Food

Dreary days get me down a bit.  
On Saturday we had fog for most of the day.  On Sunday, we had a thick blanket of fog over us all day.
Today, Monday, the fog has been replaced with low cloud and a threat of heavy rain.
I decided lunch was a good time to have some Comfort Food!

Waffles were my choice.
We have a mini-waffle maker, and my recipe makes 4 small waffles.

It is an easy recipe.
In a jug, whisk together 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder, a pinch of salt, 1 egg and 1/2 cup milk.
Melt 1.5oz butter and mix in. Leave to stand in the fridge for about an hour before using.

This time, I ate mine with butter and maple syrup, but they go well with any topping.

Sometimes you just need a little bit of sweet stuff to make the day better.
Margaret  xx

This month's photo is of the Band Rotunda in Queens Park, Invercargill.   The photo was taken in 2008 after I had spent a pleasurable day wandering around this wonderful park.