Thursday 17 October 2019

A Fly Invasion

One of my mother's oil paintings

We are being invaded by dopey small flies that hover in the centre of the room and, when you walk through them, threaten to turn you into the Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly (loved that rhyme when we were children!).  These horrid little flies always seem to be the first ones to arrive as the weather warms up.  There are so many of them but I know by experience that their numbers will lessen as the season advances.

Next to invade us will be the big fat noisy blow-flies.  At least they will sit on things so I can swat them!  They are followed by the main troops – the normal house flies that will settle in for summer in plague proportions.  Just to make things more interesting, we can also expect to get grass flies after the cows have been eating in the neighbouring field.

I detest fly spray almost as much as the flies.  Flyspray dispensers are even worse, and if I have to sit beside one for any length of time I usually end up feeling ill.  Consequently I am quite an expert with the fly swat, except for the pesky hovering flies as they are almost impossible to hit.

Apples, a watercolour by my mother

Well, that is my moan over and done with!!  It has been a busy day so far, taking grand-daughter to school then visiting the shops, before back home and getting the washing hung out.  We are lucky to have a clothesline under the carport so we don’t have to be dependent on sunny weather to get it dry.

Then son and I put the final touches to our living room by hanging up some pictures.  Nine of them to be exact, and five of them were executed by my mother – three oils, one watercolour, and one pencil.  She loved her art and became quite an accomplished amateur artist during her lifetime.

Another of my mother's oil paintings

We have sausages, mashed potato, broccoli and pumpkin for dinner tonight, and it is my turn to get the vegetables ready.  Might have a cup of tea first J

Keep your mouth shut around flies!


  1. I used to love that rhyme too, although even as a child realised by the time it got to the horse it was a bit silly! Your mother's paintings are stunning, you are very lucky to have them. xx

  2. My sympathies on the flies. I detest them and have insect screens on windows so that I have none come into the house. Screens are a must in my new place (need to get this one sold first though!)

  3. What a wonderful artist your mother was.
    Flies have all gone here for this year - Chain door screen is down. Just left with lots of skinny legged cellar spiders to hoover up

    1. I had to look up Google to see what cellar spiders were! We have them here too, but we call them daddy-long-legs.

  4. Your mother was talented, the paintings are beautiful! About the flies, well it sounds like you get a bit of exercise to run around with the fly swat :)

  5. Our fly season is over now. Wish the wasps were gone though.

    Your mother’s artwork is beautiful! A family treasure!

  6. Your mother was an incredible artist, you are so fortunate to have so many of her pieces. We don't get flies in the house as we have screen doors and screens on the windows. Can you do that?

  7. Hello Margaret, I'm so glad my mentioning Jonagold apples brought back lovely memories for you. And I'm thrilled that someone in New Zealand would want to read about my very ordinary life!!
    Sorry about your fly problem. I detest pesky flies and have no peace until I've smacked them. For the really tiny ones I use the vacuum to get as many as I can!

    1. I never would have thought about using the vacuum - I will be giving that hint a try!


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