Thursday 28 May 2020

Social Distancing

I am rather enjoying Social Distancing!  Going shopping this morning, it was a pleasure not to be jostled as everybody was maintaining the correct distances apart – generally two metres, but in some places only one metre was required.

It was a lovely morning to go out shopping.

My first stop was K-Mart department store, and there was an entrance door and exit door and a few arrows on the floor to show the direction to walk.  At the check-out there were colourful footprints on the floor to show how far apart we needed to stand.  

I bought a pink fluffy blanket for my youngest grand-daughter as it is her seventh birthday this coming weekend.

Next stop was Paper Plus bookshop.  I particularly wanted to go here as I know they are locally owned and I wanted to support them.  They only have one doorway but it was marked out with lines – in one side and out the other.


I bought ballpoint pens, a birthday card, some wrapping paper, and a really pretty notebook.

The last place on my outing was Pak’n’Save supermarket.  No friendly lady giving out gift vouchers today!!  

I bought my groceries and a few bits and pieces for the Birthday Girl, and was home again in time for lunch.

I saw a few people wearing masks and most were following social distancing rules.  Overall, my shopping experience felt almost like it used to and I felt quite safe.

And I did enjoy not being squashed and jostled!  J



  1. Sounds like a good outing! I am not sure when it will be safe to go out here:)

  2. That is a very pretty notebook. Restrictions are being gradually lifted here too, in California.

  3. It's funny seeing all the places you went... and knowing where they all are! The notebook is gorgeous.

  4. That sounds good. Have seen very few masks here.

  5. Hello, Margaret in NZ, yes, it's nice to have that social distancing, isn't it? I hope it remains in place as I dislike being 'crowded out' by others when in stores. How often have we been at a check-out only to find someone right on our tail, that we we took one step back we'd tread on them?
    That is a very pretty notebook, I love nice stationery. Fortunately, we've had all our deliveries made to the house, we've not needed to go shopping for food, and other things we've ordered via Amazon or other companies or our family has got for us, we've been very fortunate. Keep well, keep safe.
    Margaret P

    1. Yes, I too dislike people "breathing down your neck" at the checkout of any shop.
      Nice to have you visiting over this side of the world :)
      Stay safe and enjoy your day xx

  6. That notebook is a work of Art Margaret! I am so happy and feel grateful for your support with your local bookstore. That means a lot especially in times like these. Hope your Weekend coming will be amazing!

    1. I fell in love with the notebook as soon as I saw it. Now I just have to find a use for it! LOL

  7. Nice not to be jostled for sure, and have people stand back. So many times in supermarkets in the past people push or bump into you with no consideration. It will be a very long time before I go shopping here...

    Stay safe. Happy Birthday to your grand daughter.

    1. It will be the first time I have seen her for nearly three months, so am looking forward to it :)

  8. I suspect that most of us don't miss the crowds. I would be quite happy if some of the measures now in place continue after the crisis is deemed to be over.

  9. Hello, It is nice to shop without the crowds of people. Our stores are only letting in so many people at one time. The notebook is pretty. Happy birthday to your granddaughter. Wishing you a happy day!

  10. I'm loving the notebook, mind you I have a thing for anything of the ocean anyway. People aren't so good at distancing up here, they tend to get a bit close for my liking.

  11. Happy birthday to your granddaughter!! With winter coming a cozy blanket will be well used.
    I love the Jellyfish notebook cover. Do you prefer lines or no lines in your notebooks?

    1. Lines! I can't write straight without them LOL. My favourite notebook is a bullet journal with dotted lines. I use one of those for my daily diary and find I can draw pictures too as the dots don't show up too much.

  12. Not as pleasant an experience here. I dread shopping!

  13. Well, back before all this, the only time I was ever in a crowd was if I went on the weekend or real close to Christmas. But it is nice to get out and feel half normal...was so nice when I went to Walmart earlier this week to see the shelves all stocked.

    I Love notebooks, and pens and paper.

  14. I so want to go to the bookshop! Unfortunately where I am everything is closed. Not sure when it will open. Sigh

    1. Times are strange. I hope your shops open up soon (safely).


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