Saturday 2 November 2019

A Quiet Saturday

I was a bit tired after yesterday’s long day so never stayed up to watch the All Blacks playing Wales, although I heard this morning that it had been a good game (from a Kiwi rugby supporter so not sure how impartial that comment was!).

I intend to watch the Rugby World Cup final match tonight, between England and South Africa, and expect that it will be a good game.  When visiting Nelson a few years ago, we came across this playing field that is part of what is now known as the Nelson Botanical Reserve.  It is the officially recognised place that a game of rugby was first played in New Zealand – on 14 May 1870!

Sight of New Zealand's first rugby match (in 1870)

We have had a sunny day today, with a bit of cloud and wind but generally very pleasant.  Took it easy and sat outside in the sun for a while and semi-dozed while son worked in the garden.  

A corner of the garden-in-progress

I did get the washing done though, so didn’t feel too guilty doing nothing.

A good sunny day for drying washing

I also messaged with my daughter.  Her and hubby are currently trekking the Arizona Trail from Utah down to Mexico and were disappearing back into the wilderness this morning for another week. 

(Photo courtesy of my daughter)

Made a BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) salad for lunch and ate it al fresco in the sunshine.  I love sitting outdoors to eat breakfast as well, but our outside table is still in the shade that early in the morning so that little treat will have to wait until summer really arrives.

My salad was a bit of a throw-together.  I sautéed some onion and bacon, lightly fried the tomato before chopping it up, and sprinkled them over cut lettuce, parsley, cubed cheese, and pickled ginger.  A drizzle of dressing and it was finished.  Nice and simple and it certainly tasted a bit different to my usual salads!

My BLT Salad

Happy weekend everybody,


  1. It sure was a lovely day today and your salad sounds delicious!

  2. Looks like a very tasty salad. Now about to watch rugby, on at 9am here

    1. Kick-off was 10pm here. It was a good game, I thought both sides played well.

  3. I have never had a BLT salad, but a BLT sandwich is pretty common here. My favourite sandwich recently has been a nice wholegrain bun with brie and avocado.

  4. Very wet and windy here, a day for being inside. Hubby is watching the match.

    1. I thought he might be :) We enjoyed the game, the teams were very even until those trys were scored.

  5. The salad looks great!

    We are down to 3 C this morning and it is so dark at 7:30 a.m. Daylight Savings Time begins tonight though. It will be dark at 4:30 p.m. instead!

  6. Your salad does look good. I need to be more adventurous in my salad add-ins.
    Your daughter and her husband are very brave to do what must surely be an arduous trek!!

    1. Being adventurous doesn't always work. Sometimes the chickens would get my concoctions when the family would not eat them! I especially love adding (edible) flowers to my mixtures. It makes the salad very colorful.
      The trek is about 800 miles if I remember right. They have been in training for a long time so they could do it safely.


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