Thursday 14 November 2019

Makeover Step One

Thank-you everyone for all your supportive comments on my last post.   Anyone is most welcome to come along on this Makeover Journey with me.  But please note that I am only writing about what I am doing;  I am not a medical person and cannot guarantee any results (not even for myself!).

I have been spending time today finalising the Plan that I want to follow to help me reduce to a more healthy weight.   After lunch I had to take son to an eye appointment up at the Hospital, and that has inspired me even further to do this makeover journey.

There were so many “old people” there – do I really want to advance into my senior years as a decrepit misfit hobbling around with a sour face?  I don’t think so, yet it would be so easy to just sit back and go “woe is me, I am old and sick so I cannot possibly enjoy living.” 
Thankfully I have known many older people who kept a smile on their face and accepted age and health limitations with grace and calm resignation.  They make wonderful examples of how to grow old gracefully.  
I have no desire to be young again or as slim as I was at age 18 – I just want to live a happy life, as healthy as I can be.  My mother always said “you are only as old as you feel” and I like to think she was right.

The dawning of a new day

It looks like My Makeover Plan will have twelve different steps that I want to implement:

1.            Goal setting
2.            Recording my journey
3.            Tracking and support
4.            Food intake
5.            Portion control
6.            Mindful eating
7.            Deep breathing
8.            Move it!
9.            Mobility
10.          Balance
11.          Suppleness
12.          Beauty routines

STEP ONE is goal setting.  Without a goal to aim for there is little point in attempting anything.  I have broken this step into six different areas:

THE GOAL – it must be realistic and attainable;  it should have a definite time frame;  the goal should be worded in the present tense.
My goal will be :  On or before 1 April 2020, I will weigh less than 97 kg  
(I am a wee bit embarrassed to admit that amount as I never tell anyone what my weight is!)

MOTIVATOR CARD – decide on some prime motivators to help inspire me to stay on track (e.g., have more energy, feel more attractive in my clothes, wear high heels again);  write these out on a small card and keep it in my handbag;  read when feeling tempted or if I feel depressed over slow progress.

VISION BOARD/BOOK – cut out pictures or find photos of how I want to be when the goal is attained;  put them together on a board or in a book;   I have yet to do this, but intend to put mine in my tracking journal (step 2);  look at them daily and spend time every day deeply imagining/visualising myself looking like that;  feel happy while doing this.

AFFIRMATIONS – these are needed to help me love myself more and stop me feeling/thinking “fat”;  write them out on a card and say them daily (e.g., I feel healthy and buoyant, I love my body, my new life is so exciting);  could also do extra things like:  write “I love you, you are a beautiful woman” on a card and attach it to my dressing table;  write “smile, you are becoming more gorgeous every day” on a card and keep it somewhere in the car  where it is on view but not obstructing my driving.

THE MAKEOVER PLAN – the steps I need to implement to achieve my goal;  they are listed above and I will write more as I come to each one – this is a slow steady journey, I am not in a mad rush as I do not want to crash and burn, I want to achieve this as a permanent goal.

REWARDS – decide on a special treat to be had when the goal is accomplished (apart from feeling fantastic!);  this is not a motivator in itself but more of a pat-on-the-back acknowledgment of achievement;  small rewards could be implemented as impressive milestones are reached (e.g., have a massage when I have lost 10 kilos).
For my goal achievement reward, I choose to treat myself to a thermal mud spa at Hell’s Gate in Rotorua.  What awesome fun that will be!

More coming soon,


  1. I am impressed with that plan. I should do something similar myself - minor health issues but put on weight rather than lose it.

  2. Sounds like a good plan Margaret. The first part of the journey is acknowledging that we wish to change, can seem daunting, but we really can achieve so much with a positive attitude and an willingness to transform. Be mindful and gentle with yourself and know that every single step leads you towards a brighter and healthier future.

  3. Great start, I agree with you I too don't want to grow old with a long face and can't do way of life.

  4. Good luck with your journey. I think you have already taken a very positive step by creating and recording your plan. stick with it. I know you can!

  5. Great job getting organized. Good luck! You got this!

  6. They say that the way to lose weight and a healthier life starts in the head. I think you have a very good plan and a good start.

  7. I know what you mean about decrepit old people who can barely hobble around and who definitely do NOT look like life is in any way enjoyable. When I'm tempted to eat more than I should I will remind myself I don't want to be that way. I like all the steps you've listed. A good and practical plan.

  8. Good on you! This sounds like a good plan and the reward wonderful. I had a mud spa at Hells Gate in March this year with my son and DIL, it was wonderful and my skin felt brilliant afterwards, even if it did have a rather sulphur smell to it. All the best with your plan.


Thank-you for visiting my blog. I love it when you leave a comment so please feel free to have your say. Have a great day! Margaret xx