Sunday 15 March 2020

Diamond Wedding Anniversary

My husband’s elder sister and husband have now been married for sixty years, so yesterday I attended the lunch they had to celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary.

The function was held at the St Kilda Café in Cambridge, where the staff and chef did themselves proud, and then several of us went back to the house for the evening.

There was a table of memorabilia that included photos of the wedding, as well as congratulatory cards from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and the parliamentary Minister for Seniors Tracey Martin.  These cards are not sent automatically but must be applied for, which the family had done, to honour this special occasion.

I was amazed that the wedding dress was still in existence after all these years.  It had been folded up and placed in a small suitcase, and then never touched again!

The dress was made of heavy satin with a lace upper bodice decorated with tiny diamonds, and was made by the bride’s mother-in-law.   The head-dress was used to hold a veil in place.  The bridesmaid’s dresses were a vivid fuchsia pink, with a very large bow across the front bodice and another across the derrière, but none have survived the years.

I checked on my new vegetable garden this morning and was happy to see the seedlings all have their heads up.  The new lawn beside the garden is almost ready for sowing and will look good when it grows.

I have planted rhubarb, spring onions, celery, spinach, silver beet (chard), mini cauliflowers, mini broccoli, mini cabbage (this is how they can be planted so close together), garlic chives and lettuce.

I am taking advantage of the hollow concrete blocks that form the wall and planting in them as well.

Late morning I went shopping (again!) and came home with an electric omelette maker (I will have to write about that another time) and topped up our supply of fresh vegetables. 

The supermarket was chaotic, with the carpark being full and the shop packed with people.  No one-metre clearance zone around people here!  I believe crowds like this often happen over the weekend, but it was obvious in the supermarket that things had been moved around in an effort to hide the large gaps on some shelves.  It is becoming difficult to tell when people are just responsibly stocking up or simply panic buying.

I really enjoyed catching up with everyone yesterday, including family who had come over from Australia.  Many people refrained from the traditional hug-greeting (because of Covid-19), which was understandable considering many of the guests were in their 70s and 80s and some already have major health issues.  I wonder how long it will be before we are no longer able to even gather together like this?



  1. That is a lovely wedding gown and how wonderful it survived for 60 years, and that there was a celebration of the 60 year anniversary.

  2. Sounds like the celebration was a success. It's always nice to catch up with old friends and relatives one hasn't seen for a while.
    Imagine! The wedding dress hadn't even been taken out in all the years. It certainly had a lovely bodice with the diamonds sewn on. We are just 3 1/2 years away from our 60th. Hard to believe that we're that old :)
    So will the veggies that you plant in your garden now be ready to eat this year? The whole garden area looks so neat and organized. I like the lettuce in the concrete blocks. Good idea.
    On the subject of the mad rush to buy up quantities of 'stuff' I do wonder if by next weekend people will either have run out of money or space to pile all their purchases and maybe shopping will once again be more sane.

    1. Because our winters are so mild (we never have snow except on rare occasions when there will be a very light dusting that soon disappears) the vegetables will keep growing. We should be eating things within a couple of months, definitely by spring.
      How fantastic that you have been married for that length of time. Well done, you two! :) Mxx

  3. Lovely wedding dress and it hasn't dated.

  4. The wedding dress looks very regal. Good luck with the garden.

  5. I haven’t seen too many dresses from sixty years ago. A beauty indeed.

    The anti virus measures are ramping up here too.

    I love how there are so many woman in leadership positions in New Zealand! Bravo!

    1. I hadn't really noticed, but yes we do have several women in prominent leadership positions in our country - all four of those cards were from women!

  6. Hello Mam, I came across your blog and i could not stop reading it.Very interesting blog, keep it up.
    Neermala from Réunion island

    1. Welcome :)
      I am glad you have enjoyed my blog, and hope to see you visit again.

  7. COVID 19 is affecting everything isn't it? We were just away for the weekend - eleven people in all - and I wondering whether that was wise. Nothing to be done now in any event.

    1. I think the virus is going to have to go through every community at some stage, whatever we do. The precautions being taken are only going to help manage how fast it spreads (which will help the health system); I don't think they will be able to stop it spreading.

  8. Congratulations to your sister-in-law and her husband...60 yrs. is a long time! That dress is a beauty....I bet it was beautiful when in use.

    I like your garden! I was hoping to put out a little something this year but it may not get done!

  9. What a lovely dress! It is very similar to my Moms dress she and Dad will be married 70 years in the Fall. It was nice you could attend the celebration! Yes virus news is not good here either. They are closing schools now.

    1. Wow, seventy years! That will be worthy of a great family celebration :)


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