Wednesday 23 October 2024

Pretty Flowers

Our skies have been overcast for a great part of today, but they were sunny late yesterday afternoon when I went for a wander around the garden. 
The colour of this ice plant is spectacular - but only in the bright sun. The petals remain closed up when there is not much sun around.

These geraniums are outgrowing their tubs, but are still making a wonderful display. 

Mittens likes to walk with me when I'm outside.  Here she is, checking out the strawberries. 

The petunias in the hanging baskets are slowly coming out. 

This cosmos brightens up an otherwise darkish corner.  The vibrant colour makes me smile. 

A garden can certainly be a source of great happiness. 
Margaret xx 


  1. It’s looking so lovely and colourful.
    Beautiful blooms

  2. The spring flowers bring me happiness

  3. Oh, so much beauty in these photos! I cannot pick a favorite.

  4. Your geraniums are gorgeous. We will be taking ours inside for another winter…soon.

  5. I bet it is nice to see the first flowers of spring after such a long winter!


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