Thursday 10 October 2024

Busy Decluttering

My days are keeping me busy as I am getting into sorting and cleaning things.
I alternate between physical things, paperwork, and what's on the computer.  That way I'm not wearing myself out and my brain doesn't have to disappear into la-la land from too much concentration!

Some of the paperwork stuff I haven't done for a long time.
For example,  I haven't updated my address book since 2013 (it was something I used to do every year).

It feels good to be getting things sorted out.
I hope everyone is staying safe and happy.
Margaret xx 


  1. Oh heck! Our old address book ... you remember the paper one with the alphabet down the side ... hasn't been updated in about 25 years! The ones on our phones are accurate, and I even put a note about the date I change anything, but the physical book!! Oh My Gosh!

    Well done you, sorting and decluttering. It is a constant problem here. And I'm loosing the battle!

  2. Good to get all those tings up to date. I find there are never enough hours in the day.

  3. I think I need to learn some of your moderation. Administration is something I put off for way too long (I have a file in my filing cabinet labelled 'needs filing' and when it can't take any more I have to gird my loins and spend a whole day sorting out the mess.) Your plan for little and often makes better sense but I procrastinate.

  4. Getting rid of things we either don't use or don't want any more is rewarding. Organizing is something I like to do. Unfortunately in my zeal I seem to have donated some of my favourite books. I must have because they're nowhere to be found.


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