Saturday 5 October 2024

A Strange Discovery

The weather was rather nice this morning so I took my morning tea out on to the deck.

There appeared to be several pieces of scruffy twiggy stuff dotted round the chairs and table, and I never took much notice until the one nearest to me MOVED!

I've not seen anything like that before, but soon discovered they are pupa of the Australian Bagmoth (Cebysa leucotelus). 
There was a live caterpillar inside each of these strange cases.

They were first found in Auckland in 1981 and are spreading through the rest of the country. 
I satisfied myself that they weren't a household pest (they feed on lichen and algae), and left them to do their own thing.
By lunchtime our weather had changed from blue skies to black. 

Then, around mid-afternoon, Noisy Thunder rolled into town along with his henchman, Heavy Rain.

Poor Mittens.  She's really becoming terrified of the loud noise. When the house starts to shake and rattle with it, I can't say I blame her.
She was much happier this morning, out on the deck with me.

Enjoy your day,
Margaret xx 

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