Thursday 3 November 2022

An Oops With Books


After spending yesterday morning in my garden, I went visiting family after lunch.  When I came home, I discovered this shelf in one of my bookcases had given way.  One of the little pegs that holds the shelf up had broken off – perhaps the weight of all the books was just too much?

I had emptied most of the books off it before thinking to take a photo.

Son was at the hardware shop this morning so he bought me some more pegs – metal this time, instead of plastic.  Hopefully they will be stronger.

Over the years most of my bookcases have been “cheapies” and the shelf often bows in the middle with the weight of books, but I have never had a whole shelf collapse like this before.  Thankfully, there was no harm done.

We have drizzle today, after a couple of days of fine weather.  Everything is growing very fast and most of my container plants need watering every evening.

I quite enjoy getting outside as the day cools down and visiting all my plants with the hose.  It is almost therapeutic!

Margaret 😊



  1. I've had shelves collapse because of those plastic pegs. Hadn't thought of looking for metal ones. I have one shelf simply resting on the books below . Time to fix it

  2. I had the same problem up until a few years ago. It came up in conversation one day with a friend who is an excellent woodworker and he built me a set of shelves along the entire wall of my office anchored right into the studs of the house, with the shelves attached to an elaborate metal track. Your could sleep on them and they wouldn't give way!

    1. That would certainly solve the problem of falling shelves!

  3. One of my projects this winter is to build a bookcase. I will have to remember to get metal pins!

  4. I find time in the garden therapeutic as well. Wish I could do it all year long…enjoy that time, Margaret!

  5. So glad that your books weren't damaged.

    I've been wondering if your tomato plant mentioned some time ago survived the spells of cold weather? Here in the northern hemisphere we are eating the final little cherry tomatoes that I picked off the plant a couple of weeks ago when we had two nights in well below freezing, much earlier than our normal first freeze. But we had home grown cherry tomatoes from May through November (even if the November ones are ripening in a brown paper bag with an apple in with them to help them get ripe) which is very good. And quite a few in the freezer for use over the winter.

    1. Yes, the tomato did survive. I remembered to cover it but totally forgot to cover the other tender plants!

  6. Hopefully your shelf won't give way again. At least it wasn't one of the kitties who was up to mischief.
    I discovered a favourite flower pot ( empty, fortunately) broken and there was good reason to suspect that Miss Kitty was the culprit. I'm not sure how she managed to shove it off the shelf but she managed!

  7. Well you love books and love to read. A shelf breaking under the weight of books is a compliment, I would say. I've always wanted to love reading and only occasionally finish a book. Reading makes us smart...I think that's where I went wrong. :)

    1. Dear Henny Penny. Please don't put yourself down so much - every person has talents and abilities that are unique to themselves. I love your blog and I think you are an exceptional person. Love yourself :)

  8. Uh-oh to that bookshelf - glad it didn´t happen at night, that would freak me out, it it happened here!
    I have also way too many books.
    Hm, as you could see preparing, cooking and baking became therapeutic for me! :-) x
    But only with good music!

  9. I've had those plastic pegs break in the past. The metal pegs should last a very long time!

  10. Oh my two loves. Books and watering
    I too love to go out at the end of the day and water all the pots and gardens. So far this year we haven’t had many dry spells and the rains have been watering the garden’s I do have seedlings in a mini hot house that need watering so I guess that will have to do for now
    Glad you fixed the book shelves and your books are now back where they belong

  11. I am so thankful that I will never have this problem as my husband built all our bookcases and they are very securely fastened to the wall.

  12. The weather did not stay damp for long, and with the wind pots are drying very quickly - I am house sitting for a few days, and not only do I have to water here, but I need to pop 'home' to water my plants there...
    Glad Son could get some metal 'plugs' for you - it must have been a bit of a shock to see your books like that.


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