Monday 15 June 2020

Family History : Getting Organized

I have been researching our family history, on and off, for nearly fifty years now.  Twenty years ago I printed off and put together books for each branch of the family and gave them to various extended family members. 
Now I want to gather together all the new information I have obtained and produce new books, for immediate family this time.

The thing that interests me most with genealogy is who my ancestors were, how they lived, where they settled, the kind of lives they led.  Lots of descendants and dates are not my thing at all, so I decided to restrict my information to the birth of a grandchild. 
Unfortunately, in the early years, I failed to keep a record of where I found my information and it has been quite a task to track it down again (it’s taken me a couple of years), and some I cannot find at all.  My new books will have references to most of the information in them.

One thing I did do right when I first started, and that was to give an identification number to each couple.  My husband and I were, naturally, given ID #1.  His parents became #2 and mine became #3.  His grandparents became #4 (my husband’s father’s parents) and #5 (my husband’s mother’s parents), and my grandparents became #6 (my father’s parents) and #7 (my mother’s parents).  Basically the numbers double as they proceed back through the generations.
I have also split the family into ‘branches’ with each one representing the ancestral history of one of the grandparents, making eight branches for our entire family.  This makes it easier to keep similar information together, makes it easier when it comes to publishing anything, and makes it easier when handing over information to some other person who will belong to one or other of the branches.

I should explain that personal computers were not around when I first began (everything was recorded by hand), and when they became available I couldn’t afford to purchase a suitable programme to use.  Consequently I have developed my own system of storing information, using Word on the computer, and it works well for me.
Next time, I will discuss more about how I do this.
Margaret J

(The wedding photos are all members of my husband's family and date to the last century)

Family History : Getting Started can be read here
Family History : Family Pages can be read here
Family History : Recording Stories can be read here
Family History : References can be read here
Family History : Publication can be read here


  1. What gorgeous, stunning photos!! I have nothing like this, all was lost along the way after my mother died. I have done my family history and put it all on You don't need to make it public and it's a great way for other family members to see it and also a safe way for it to be stored. The only photos I have were sent to me by others in the same family tree.

    1. I'm sorry you don't have many photos. I have a sister-in-law who uses and she loves it :)

  2. Beautiful pictures!
    Yes, can you imagine the times before computers were around/available!
    I had a drawing machine for studying, a huge one (A0)... We´re "dinosaurs"!
    Do you use the new blogger? (I need to choose an account now, "google" is the default).

    1. I've used the new blogger for about two weeks now and am finding it okay. I decided I would probably have to get used to it sooner or later, so opted for the sooner :)

  3. Loving the photos, Margaret - the second one in particular reminds me very much of my parents wedding immediately post war (1947)

    1. Glad it has given you good memories, Maxine :)
      The wedding in that photo took place in 1939.

  4. It is a hard, time consuming hobby, but very enjoyable and rewarding. I have also done my family history similar to you and I also wanted 'flesh on the bones' rather than just names, dates and places. There was a tricky moment as both my maternal grand-parents had been married before, so there was/is extended families on that side. I was going to ignore their 'other' side of the family, but a cousin I had never met asked my Mum for any information on his father when young. This spurred me on to do the extended families too. The tricky bit was getting it all down logically on paper without confusion, but I managed it. I also sent copies to each of the branches and got complimentary responses from them all.

    The reason I put all mine into order was for my daughter as I didn't want to leave her with all the haphazard information as I knew she wouldn't do anything about it, so it would get lost or thrown out, (my daughter is number one with decluttering). I have stopped for now but there are additions and other bits I've found out since which I have to add to my main copy.

    1. I don't think the adventure of discovering new things ever ends - even when not actively searching things still seem to turn up!

  5. Seems like a lot of work! My wife's brother, Wayne, used to do this kind of research and published it for everyone, but I think it was more his interest than that of others. I doubt whether others look at it much, I know that we never do. Seems to me you are into genealogy or not.

    1. My husband would have agreed with you David. He used to ask why I wanted to learn all about a lot of dead people!! It is definitely a subject that interests you or else it does not :)

  6. Hello,

    The family wedding photos are lovely. Researching your family is fun and hard work at the same time.
    Using the computer is a big help. I am sorry I do not have old family photos, just a few! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  7. This is fun to read about...and sounds like what you do works well for you. Love the old pics.

  8. These photos are amazing treasures dear Margaret! Thank you so much for sharing them to us! I really like what you are doing about your family and I would also like to do that to my family tree and ancestors as well but I don't know how to start. Thank you for this, I'll really take the efforts soon to start tracing my roots as well :)

    1. You start with yourself and your own details! I will try and write about getting started in the next post I do about genealogy.

  9. Such great photos! The names of people in the photos is so important.

  10. What a lot of work you've done assembling photos and details of your family's history. The wedding pictures are so lovely, especially that first one.
    My sister has done quite a bit of digging into our family's story but has hit some snags when she got to our Russian sojourn way back when. Maybe when she retires she'll dig around some more.

  11. Those wedding photos are great! How lovely that you have them!


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