Thursday 19 March 2020

Rats And Things

Last night, after our lovely autumn day, we had a very clear still night.

This morning we had full cloud cover that resulted in heavy misty rain.

Not the best of days to spend time outside, although the sun is trying to break through occasionally.  So I set up a Freezer Book for myself.  Now I can keep track of what I have in my freezer and use things in order.

The lines beside some of the entries indicate how many of that particular item have been frozen – when I remove one I cross it off in the other direction.  The left hand column is for the date it was frozen.

Son adores his two rats and recently sent me a couple of photos of them.

Mayo was looking to come out of the cage for a cuddle (not from me!).

Pepper was eating a scrap of roast mutton he had been given.

Stay happy and keep smiling!


  1. I am glad that you are healthy. I love that first photo - I can tell how still it was. The purple-yellow of the sky is beautiful.

  2. That freezer book sounds like a good idea. We cleaned and rearranged our freezer recently to accommodate extra items in preparation for enforced isolation. We didn't find anything drastically old but we did discover a couple of items we had forgotten we had.

  3. I don’t think I’d like to handle the rats. But who knows?

    1. I won't touch them. I don't mind feeding them now if I have to, and I can appreciate their personalities and different antics, but I still do not wish to touch them. Just a thing I have with rats and mice, and have had all my life.

  4. I keep my list on an index card on the fridge! Sometimes we forget to erase something so then after a few months our inventory is way off....and I have to do inventory again!
    I am not fond of rats either. Stay well!

  5. I used to have a clipboard hanging on a nail over the freezer but 'someone' wasn't great at marking things off so I gave up. I may try again one day. It's a great idea.
    I'm not a fan of rats and mice either.

  6. Ohhhhhh, such a cutie pie, Mayo! And Pepper is even cuter! Those little hands, awwww.
    Gentle pets they are, clean, clever and cute. (Well, my gerbil sure was - she left me over 30 years ago sadly and I still think of her with a smile).
    Thank you for the smile - and I will do a freezer book!

  7. Awww! Those itty bitty hands!

    Thanks for the smile!

  8. Bravo for the freezer book. I had one but forgot to cross things off. Keep up the good work

  9. That is a great idea for the freezer book. I always write the date on bags I put in the freezer...well,of meat and write what it is. But had never thought about keeping a book with how much I have of what. That could sure come in handy.

    My girls had rats, and before them had mice. I could handle the mice, but not the rats. I don't know why...they were very sweet.

    1. I always write on my bags as well. One lump of frozen meat looks like every other lump of frozen meat!


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