Friday 29 November 2019

Zumba And Thunder

Well maybe zumba and thunder don't rhyme exactly, but they do sort of!

This morning I attended my first aqua-zumba class at the local swimming pool.  A bit nerve-wracking as I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out a lot of fun.

Fortyfive minutes of "dancing" in the water to upbeat music with an instructor showing us the moves.  No way could I keep up with her, and half the moves I am sure I got wrong, but at least I was moving and it was fun.  I felt good afterwards.

These roses were photographed at the Te Awamutu Rose Garden

Then, this afternoon, I headed a little south of Hamilton to visit my cousin at Ohaupo.  What a lovely way to spend an afternoon, chatting and laughing and catching up on all the family gossip.

As I was leaving the wind suddenly picked up rather violently and we could see rain heading our way.  I drove right into it!  Thunder and lightning and heavy heavy rain.

A couple of large puddles later, and I am sure the underneath of my car has now lost all the dust it collected on my recent trip up north.  The top of the car was washed by grand-daughter and her friend last night - so my little Missy is now all clean and sparkling!

Time to go make myself some dinner,
Take care everyone,


  1. I have not taken part in Zumba myself but have watched a demonstration and it was full on. Not sure about the water version though but well done.

  2. Whether you got the moves right or not, I am sure that aquafit is very good for you.

  3. The rose garden must be quite beautiful.

    Glad you made it home safely.

    Aqua Zumba sounds like fun.


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