Friday 2 September 2022

Taitua Arboretum


Today was a balmy warm with lots of cloud cover – the perfect day to go walking and I thought I would visit the Arboretum on the outskirts of Hamilton.

It is over 20 years since I was last here – my experience of traipsing around in gumboots through long grass and trying not to step on frogs, led me to avoid visiting again.

However, the place has come a long way since then and pathways are numerous and well-formed. 

The trees first began being planted in the 1970s by a farming couple with a love of trees, and they donated it to the city in 1997.

Different areas are devoted to different trees, such as a Native area, a Conifer area, an American area etc.  I especially loved this circle of redwoods.

Chickens roam freely around the place and there are signs up asking people to please only feed them certain items (which were listed).

These ducks were also interested in being feed, but there was nothing to be had and they soon returned to the pond.

Some of the lower areas of the Arboretum are rather swampy.  This was where I turned around and began the trek back up to the carpark, as my strength has not yet fully restored.

Parts of the area are still farmed.  These steers were waiting to be fed their daily hay (they could hear the tractor approaching, and there was lots of mooing going on).

There were native birds around also, but they were too far away or too fast for me to be able to photograph them - kingfishers, fantails, lots of tuis, and grey warblers, but the highlight was a New Zealand Falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae in Latin, or Karearea in Maori).

I heard the call first (which folklore says foretells rain when the weather is fine as it was today), and then was lucky enough to see it as it flew among the trees searching for prey.

This photo was accessed at

I have a sneaky suspicion I may have sore legs tomorrow 😊



  1. What a treasure - and a beautiful place to walk Margaret. Where I am living there are a lot of tui around and I can hear them all day. How special to see a Karearea

  2. What a beautiful place and an inspiration. How happy must they feel if they are still alive today to see the fruits of their efforts.

    1. Sadly they have both passed on now, but I believe they did get to see much of it reach maturity.

  3. How lucky you are to have such a paradise so close. Wonderful photos

    1. Strange how we always think we have to travel to find lovely places when they are sometimes right on our back door step :)

  4. Your sore legs will have been well-earned, Margaret. Arboreta are fabulous places to visit and as you discovered are havens for wildlife which is generally a little more approachable since it habituates to humans.

    1. I did notice that - although the birds were still wary they didn't disappear into the trees like they normally would :)

  5. So lovely to hear of you doing more and feeling so much better.

    But also, knowing your limits.

    "....... autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
    and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all,
    leaping into leaves!"
    ~Winnie the Pooh

  6. That place is beautiful and well worth the time. The bird reminds me of Merlins here. It is a beauty!

    1. I'm really thrilled that I was able to view it at such a close range, as usually one only sees them soaring in the heavens (and then it is a guess as to what it actually is!)

  7. The arboretum looks beautiful. Kind of fun to go back and visit places you haven't seen in a long time!

  8. Nice that the place was not swampy and full of frogs this time. If it's close by I think you'll be a regular visitor. The falcon looks amazing and as all birds of prey it looks impressive, almost intimidating. (Especially if you're a small rodent).

  9. Beautiful place! A lovely visit...
    Take care and have a great weekend :)

  10. Redwoods are one of my favorite trees. If they are anything like our redwoods they are magical.

  11. That looks like such a lively place to.visit...I bet the atmosphere is wonderful. It looks so peaceful.


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