Thursday 27 July 2023

Dark Skies


Do you ever get grumpy with the weather?  I’m afraid today I have been!

I woke up cold, with frost on the ground, and hurriedly dressed and scuttled out to the living room where there was a nice warm fire burning.

The sun rose, the frost disappeared, and within two hours the skies turned a deep inky blue and it poured with rain.

The showers have continued on and off all day.  The ground is wet, my spirits are damp, the whole day seems to have been a bit of a disaster.

Just as well there is always tomorrow to look forward to šŸ˜Š




  1. Today has been similar to yours here weather-wie Margaret. I must admit I don't usually mind the winter months as I can always take myself off to the sewing room. But I have found this July to be particularly gloomy for some reason & I think the weather has had alot to do with it. I am thankful we have a good stock of firewood to keep us warm. Tomorrow we are promised sun so fingers crossed šŸ˜Š

  2. This too, the rain I mean, will hopefully pass. Roll on sunshine and blue skies.

  3. Sounds like the South coast here in UK, our temperatures are a bit higher, but the rain and winds are almost non-stop. Our summer through out July has been a washout.

  4. We had a -2.3 degree frost down here, and our day also turned to custard, weatherwise... add a migraine, two sick grandies and a cold house with only two electric heaters into the equation, and your day sounds pretty good to me

    1. Dear me, Maxine, that sounds terrible. Hopefully everything will be better tomorrow (meant to be sunny, so, as Julie says above, lets keep our fingers crossed).

  5. I am actually looking forward to the first frost. Summer heat is my least favourite time of the year.

  6. I do hope your forecast is better than ours. Though! It looks like it stays rainy but it might at least warm up.
    (And we can need rain. And I love rain.).

  7. Grumpy here too because of the heat and humidity. I’d rather the cold any day. Hope you have blue skies soon!

  8. Hopefully today is better and your day is brighter!

  9. Winter is a bit easier to deal with here than in Northland I am finding but I must admit I am looking forward to Spring.

  10. Agreed...the weather does affect our moods. Damp, rainy, cold usually means baking, good book, favorite movie for me...I'm not very productive on those days!

  11. I'm grumpy but for the opposite reason (extended heat wave with no end in sight!). Stay warm!

  12. When winter comes with endless days of clouds and drizzle it can get me down but luckily it doesn't last too long. I had to think of John Denver and his song Some Days are Diamonds ( some days are stones). GM


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