Wednesday 5 July 2023

Coffee Cheesecake


Morning tea today could be described as decadent.  I had a piece of coffee-flavoured cheesecake with a cup of lemon ginger toddy. 

It was very rich, but I forgot all about my waistline and thoroughly enjoyed the treat!

I was visiting Lava Glass near Taupo (they produce hand-blown glass art), having driven down there to purchase a special present for my granddaughter who turns 18 next week (where did the time go?).  I hope she likes her present (no photo – sometimes she reads my blog!).

Afterwards it was a quick visit to Huka Falls.  It seems I cannot go to Taupo and not visit this iconic waterfall. 

At this spot, the Waikato River is forced to enter a narrow ravine of hard volcanic rock before tumbling 11 metres (about 36 feet) into a pool and then continuing along its way.

It is said that over 220,000 litres of water crash through here every second.  It makes quite a phenomenal sight and the noise could be described as thunderous.

There is a foot-bridge over the top of the falls and then the path continues beside the river for a little way (a great way to walk off some cheesecake!).

The sun was playing hide-and-seek with the clouds and the wind was rather cold, but it wasn’t raining and I enjoyed the pleasant walk.

Keep smiling 😊




  1. Ah, one of my favourite places too. I'm smiling as I write. We had our honeymoon in Taupo in 1976, and explored the many wonderful sights then for the first time. Every return visit is therefore special too. The noise! The awareness of the power of water/nature. Awe inspiring. Your morning tea looked delicious too, but a trim Latte for me please! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Huka falls are magnificent. You had a great day

  3. Stunning photo's, hope your granddaughter has a great 18th birthday, our eldest grandson turns 18 in August. I only ever drink black coffee or tap water, BUT I can't stand eating anything coffee flavour, I glad you enjoyed your cheesecake, but I would pass on it.

    1. Haha, I'm the opposite - I hate drinking coffee but I don't mind eating it!

  4. I love Huka Falls too. My Grandfather worked on the dams in the North Island and carved his name on a rock face by Huka Falls. You can't visit and see it as it's now banned from climbing down that close to the water. That cake looks delicious.

  5. That is a very beautiful spot. The appeal of the place is easy for us all to grasp.

  6. Oh, it's way too early for my mouth to be watering so...

    What beautiful scenery. So glad you had a wonderful visit. Blessings...daisy

  7. I can’t imagine a snowless winter. Such beauty there, Margaret!

  8. What a wonderful day! Wonderful pics, too! Beautiful.

  9. Beautiful! Do they allow kayaking in that area? I can see some crazies trying to shoot that in a kayak.

    1. Banned on this waterfall - probably because too many crazies have died there over the years! Okere Falls near Rotorua is a popular spot for shooting a waterfall, and there are lots of other areas for white-water rafting.

  10. Coffee cheese cake, I was hoping you made it and there would be a recipe :) I just might goggle it and try and find one, then again I still have a few more pounds to loose, so that might not be a wise thing to do, LOL. Your walk along the falls looks amazing. I'm delighted that you took the time to stop and enjoy God's magnificent world.

    1. Oh, it would be so dangerous if I had a recipe!! Yes, there is much beauty to be found in the created world around us :)

  11. Sounds like a wonderful day and big wow on the pics!
    The blue water in all the shades...

  12. Really pretty lucky you are to have such beauty to visit. And the cheesecake...sigh, I'm addicted to a chocolate cheesecake that has way too many calories, but you know, some days, you just have to indulge!

  13. Connie may have wanted the recipe for the cheesecake ( which looks scrumptious) but I want to try making lemon ginger toddy. Not now when it's so hot out, but in late Fall and Winter. There are recipes to be found, of course, and I see that there are just 4 ingredients: lemon, dark Rum, honey, and boiling water. Sounds easy enough.
    Those falls are wonderful and I can imagine the noise they create!!
    Granny Marigold

    1. I'm not quite sure why they called it a toddy because I never noticed anything alcoholic in it. There was definitely lemon and honey and ginger with the hot water - the grated ginger was real and all sat at the bottom of the cup!

  14. I too love the Huka falls, Margaret - and have done since a child. Your morning tea sounds amazing!! May have to make a trip down there one day soon........

    1. I've been a bit tired today, as it was a long way to drive there and back in one day (not as easy as it used to be!), but it would make a lovely drive for you, Maxine :)

  15. What a pretty area to visit! Cheesecake...we hardly ever have looks great!

  16. I don't know which photos I like best. That cake should have my name on it. I have a wonderful memory of visiting Huka Falls at night, in the rain. It was magical.


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