Saturday 29 July 2023

Thank You


Thankyou to whoever sent the sunshine to us yesterday and today.  What a difference it makes to my attitude!

Yesterday I was able to visit a dear friend for a couple of hours and that certainly helped make me feel better too.

Then I went down to the lakeside for a while.  This view is looking across the lake towards the hospital.

I never walked far, spending most of my time sitting in the car watching the birds swim by and all the different people walk/jog past.  What a diverse-looking species humanity is!!

Then this morning I spent a couple of hours out in the garden, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine after the hard frost we had earlier in the day.

Sometimes, I quite enjoy just sitting and watching the world go by. 

And I don’t feel grumpy anymore! 😊




  1. Nice to know your mood changed with the weather :) Sitting and people-watching is almost as pleasant as sitting and looking over the water. The lake looks very peaceful. Granny M

  2. LOL, that someone sent more cold and rain over here!
    Glad you had a break from the icky weather - it makes such a difference. To happy times.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling cheered, Margaret. The day's certainly have been beautiful - but cold - we have had a couple of -2oC frosts, and another one to come... if the day is fine, I can cope :) My husband used to enjoy 'people watching' as he called it - we certainly do come in a diverse range of sizes, shapes and colours!

  4. People watching can be very entertaining indeed!

  5. Glad the grumpy Margaret is gone! Watching the world go by can be a nice diversion now and then! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  6. Glad you got that sunshine glow!

  7. Sunshine can make me happy too! Enjoy!

  8. People watching is amusing isn't it? I admit I do it sometimes at work.


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