Friday 21 July 2023

Spring Will Come


Jonquils flowering in mid-winter are a wonderful reminder that Spring will come.  I photographed these ones at the entrance to a cousin’s farm, when visiting them this week.

The day was dull and colourless, as the majority of our days seem to be at the moment (thankfully, the company was great!).  

Today has also been dreary, a good day to curl up inside and potter around not doing much.

The scent of white daphne fills the living room, from a small sprig I picked from my cousin’s garden.

I do like these little reminders that winter does not last forever 😊




  1. Reading your post, made me think, I want the next 8 weeks to be slow and gentle, enjoying our summer, and you are hoping they pass quickly so you get signs of spring. I hope our garden post give you cheer.

  2. I too am enjoying little hints of spring - a 'Christmas cactus" flowering, and the hippeastrum starting to sprout... love jonquils, but at this point don't have any. I once owned a white daphne, and loved it.

    1. I had a white daphne for several years - it even moved house with me a few times! I love its lemon-like scent :)

  3. I don’t want any season to last forever, but anything would be preferable to the heat and humidity of summer.

  4. Flowers in winter. You are fortunate, my friend!

  5. The jonquils are beautiful and I can imagine the aroma. Yes, a change of seasons is coming. About another month and a half for us

  6. It is hard to really think about winter when everything is so hot around here! Love the flowers.

  7. I never cease to be amazed at the difference between your spot and flowers in winter here, those jonquils would be a March/April surprise. I'll have to do some research to learn more! Mary

  8. I think white flowers are my favourite and when they also have wonderful scent then they are doubly desirable. GM

  9. I got quite excited when I saw the first spring flower last week. The days are getting noticeably longer, spring can't be too far away!! Love the photo of the daphne.

  10. Your Spring certainly means our Autumn... Oh, I wish I could live somewhere where it´s hot always. Right now I wear long clothes and still feel cold. I can imagine the flowers give hopes to Winter ending soon!

  11. Margaret: I enjoy your blog, such a beautiful country. Long ago, I spent a month touring and camping around both islands with a group of students. Good, good memories that you often revive. Thank you. I am commenting today because I just have to say....winter? and growing things? I wish!! I wouldn't change my snowy Canadian winters for anything, but...your pictures show anything but "dull and colourless"!

    1. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live through a winter like you get - and then I stop and am thankful that I live in a temperate climate!! xx

  12. We are with Poppy - not ready to contemplate the onset of another winter. Our veg garden has only just started producing some food!

  13. You don't have to watch the snow melt! Flowers in are so lucky!


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