Wednesday 12 July 2023

Huffing and Puffing


The Big Bad Wolf might have huffed and puffed to blow down the houses of the Three Little Pigs, but I’m not a Big Bad Wolf and I don’t blow down houses. 

I blow up balloons instead!

Last night we had a family birthday dinner for one of my granddaughters, who turned 18 years old, and balloons were a must-have to set the right party atmosphere.

Being 18 today is like 21 used to be in our day – the day where in New Zealand you become legally responsible as an adult, are able to vote, can buy alcohol, tobacco and fireworks, and get married without parental or court consent.

It is quite an event and we celebrated in style with grilled steak, various vegetables and a red wine.  She loved all her gifts and letters and cards, and I think it will be a day she will long remember.

Milestone birthdays make great excuses for family togetherness.

Margaret 😊



  1. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter 🎂 🎉🌹🌹🌹. I am impressed that you blew up all those balloons; they really do give a party atmosphere. GM

  2. They grow up so fast, happy 18th birthday.

  3. Happy birthday to your 18 year old.

  4. At eighteen most kids are barely cooked! Happy birthday and vote wisely!

  5. I would have gotten light-headed for sure! Back in my day you could do all those things at 18 as well. Well, kinda. Alcohol was 21 in our state but just 40 minutes away in neighboring Wisconsin it was 18!

  6. Happy belated Birthday! Here gambling is from 21 on ...still

  7. Happy 18th to your young woman. It sounds like a wonderful time!

  8. Happy 18th to your Grand, oh to be that young again! :)

  9. Happy 18th. I barely remember mine but I do remember my 21st, seems so long ago.

  10. Belated birthday greetings to your grand-daughter. Can we see the special gift you traveled to purchase for her now?

    1. Oh dear, Pauline. You just reminded me I forgot to take a photo of it!! It was a gorgeous red vase that glows when the light shines through it, and had swirls and bubbles in its design that flowed around the sides, with a thread of black running through it. She loved it :)


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