Wednesday 8 July 2020

This And That

A bit of a grey day today but it is winter after all.

We had a few very heavy showers but the sun did it’s best to shine through a couple of times.

I caught up on the ironing, which I like to do in my room.  The steam from the iron fogged up all the windows, as it was much colder outside than in.

Son brought a box in from the garage for me to sort out, and I unearthed some wine glasses that I thought I must have given away.  Now I just need more space to store them!

Dinner tonight was an easy meal in front of TV – savoury mincemeat and poached eggs.

We finished with mango and passionfruit cheesecake, a special treat for grand-daughter who is turning 15 in a couple of days.  

A pretty mundane day really, but we can’t expect high excitement every day can we J

Stay healthy, stay safe,



  1. Oh, I plain hate ironing and I admit I have no idea when I last did it! T-shirt not totally dry, flatten by hand, done.
    Hubby once in an eternity needs a button-down shirt, he has to do the job himself.
    His ex-girlfriend even ironed underwear and socks... no way I´ll ever so that.
    Nasty, now you even need to get wine? ;-)
    Weather here same as yours, maybe a tad warmer...

    1. I had an aunty who flatly refused to buy anything that needed ironing, she hated doing it so much :)

  2. I just love the trees and that sky in your first photo. You possibly have no idea how 'home' that is.

    1. Sorry Tigger, never meant to make you feel homesick!

  3. Replies
    1. The mince was full of onion, carrot, peas and corn. No need to eat greens every night :)

    2. That mix of veggies sounds good to me.

  4. Hello, It has been cloudy here, but the rain is missing us. The cheesecake looks yummy.
    Have a great day!

    1. It was nice, but I think I ate too much of it :)

  5. Mundane days are wonderful...nothing bad going on, just going about life.

    1. So right, Rose. Nothing bad going on - always a bonus :)

  6. Mundane for you but interesting for me. I even like to see what you're eating. Mince and eggs. Very foreign food lol Woudn't mind them right now instead of something with oil and garlic. Cheesecake we do have now and again but what I would give to taste a passionfruit. That looks delicious. Happy birthday to your grandaughter

    1. I adore passionfruit but the cheesecake really only had the seeds and tasted of the mango. I like oil and garlicky occasionally, but I think I would tire of it all the time. I guess it is what you get used to when you are growing up :)

  7. What a wonderful passion fruit cheesecake. Fantastic to look forward to birthday ... just right.
    And :-)) I would like to taste.
    Warm greetings to you.

    1. It tasted really good, but was rather 'rich' and I think I ate too much :)

  8. I enjoy seeing what you make for supper. I made 2 different suppers last evening...a meat and mushroom gravy over mashed potatoes and peas for my DH and a dish of roasted peppers and tofu for myself. I doubt I'll do that again soon. Way too much work and talk about dishes to wash ( no dishwasher here). Luckily there are plenty of leftovers for today.

  9. So tue about excitement everyday, Margaret. I love how those little ordinary days create a thread of a happy life.

  10. Those kind of days are welcome in this house every now and then.

  11. We had more rain than you yesterday, but oh the cold!!!! We had a southerly, and it was snowing on the mountains...
    I don't mind ironing, and do it sort of regularly - more so if I have the iron out because I am sewing!
    Stay safe


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