Sunday 12 July 2020

A Few Birds

Also found on my camera card were photos taken at the Otorohanga Kiwi House last year.  Here are some of them.
The Red-crowned Parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae) (Maori name kakariki) were once widely distributed across New Zealand but are now mostly found on some outlying islands.

Kea (Nestor notabilis) (Maori name kea) are unusual in that they are the only truly alpine parrot in the world.  They are incredibly curious and highly intelligent, quickly learning how to pull things apart and depart with them.

The Pied Stilt (Himantopus himantophus) (Maori name poaka) is a dainty little bird that is common in coastal and wetland areas.

New Zealand Pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) (Maori name kereru) is widespread throughout both islands, including a lot of cities.  Its heavy flight makes a slow whump-whump sound that is quite noticeable as it flies overhead.

More to follow in a couple of days J

LINKED TO Saturday's Critters


  1. Loved these New Zealand bird photos Margaret. Thank you for sharing.

  2. They are beautiful...and I love their Maori name.

  3. Great photos - I love the sound of the flying Kereru.

  4. As beautiful as the Parakeet is, the Kea sure is my fav (being safe here, in Germany!)...

  5. I had never heard of the red crowned parrot. They are lovely photos

  6. It is so nice to see photos of the New Zealand birds. As you may know we don't have parrots living wild in Norway. Our neighbours had a parrot some years ago. In summer it used to sit in a tree in their garden. One day I met a man in the street, he was very excited and he asked me "Is it normal that there sit a parrot in that tree?" And I answered Yes, it is normal :)

  7. I love looking back at old photo's, I have mine all stored on an external hard drive, all in files so I can look back at days out, kids growing up......

  8. Hello Margaret,

    Your New Zealand birds are all beautiful. I especially love the parakeets and parrots. The Pied Stilt is a beautiful. The pigeon has lovely colors. It is nice to know your Maori name. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week! PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  9. Thank you very much fir this delightful display of some fascinating New Zealand birds.

  10. Hello. Wonderful birds. Nice photos. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Lots of birds that we don't see here in Florida. Love the parakeet! It really is amazing to spot in the wild! Happy weekend.

  12. I'm glad you 'found' the bird pictures on your camera. I particularly like the Pied Stilt. Its black and white colouring and pretty pink/red legs make it a very attractive shore bird.

  13. Lovely photos, Margaret. We are so lucky to have such beautiful birds. I live in suburbia, and do really miss the birds.

  14. Wonderful photos Margaret. I love visiting the Kiwi House, and there is often something new there. Your photo of the Kereru is stunning, and you are right about their distinctive flight 'sound'!
    Stay safe

  15. F loves Keas best of all she says. She used to work in the mountain and their antics livened up weeks of living in small alpine huts. From what she describes I, the Tigger, suspect them to be too clever for their own good.

  16. PS recently I have taken to sleeping on a magazine open at a page on an article about saving Keas. So I know they are green and have vicious looking beaks; the stuff cat-nightmares are made out of.

  17. They look beautiful, I enjoyed seeing them, thank you.

    All the best Jan


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