Tuesday 16 June 2020

In My Garden

For one reason and another it has been quite a while since I wandered around our garden.   It was full of surprises!  

Tucked away in a corner was a pot I had planted hyacinths in – they were flowering!  I have never had any luck growing hyacinths before and I am sure they shouldn’t be flowering until spring, but they smell heavenly and I have moved them to a position near the back door so we can enjoy their scent more.

The Iceland poppies are still flowering and the bees were loving them.  I made a mental note that I need to do some deadheading in the near future.

There was an old tree stump in the back lawn which son has dug out – but obviously some of the rotting wood still remains as these toadstools have popped up where the stump was.

As cats do, Mittens came and joined me to see what I was doing.

The peas are finally beginning to grow.

Yellow violas brighten up this corner, growing beneath a young feijoa tree.

The autumn flowering Sasanqua Camellia is blooming – it has a faint scent but the shrubs are not healthy and son is contemplating removing them.

Not to be left out, Millie decided to come and investigate mum-in-the-garden as well.

I am glad I went for a wander around our garden on this dull winter’s day J 



  1. Whenever I see a fern anywhere, I always verbally say "Oh New Zealand" hahaha Everywhere! Love the hyacinths and those colors that it's in are so beautiful Margaret! Mittens look super still and adorable coming to the garden with you. I am really amazed by the variety of colors in your garden! Just curious are those toadstools edible?

    Sending you hugs dearest margaret! After 4 days off, I;ll be back to work tonight, please wish me luck HAHA I never missed working, to be honest, but of course I am very grateful and thankful for it :)

    1. I've not seen toadstools like these ones before but I personally wouldn't eat them. The only wild fungi I eat are field mushrooms, which I can identify reasonably easily.
      Good luck with work :)

  2. Every time I get my camera our Purdy follows me, she loves to photo bomb, often I have to give her treats so I can take a cat free photo.

    1. LOL I ended up with a couple of photo-bombed pictures and several fuzzy photos because I got bumped by a loving cat :))

  3. Beautiful flowers and ohhh, poppies.
    Mittens and Millie look very cute, too.
    Dull over here, also, 18C... summer has gone on vacation, it seems. No flowers or herbs make it here.
    So nice to see yours Ixx

  4. Oh yes, the cats do have to supervise!! I am often taking photos of my cat supervising my garden efforts. Your Mittens looks very much like a cat we had some years ago - he was the most marvelous cat we have had...
    Loving your hyacinths, and your poppies are stunning
    I discovered a beautiful rose (Dublin Bay) still flowering with a full sized bloom the other day - it is in a very sheltered spot... the others have all but given up.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden
    Stay safe

  5. Hello, it is nice seeing how your garden is growing. I love all the flowers, Poppies are one of my favorite. Cute kitty. Have a great day!

  6. I am glad you rambled in your garden, too...I so would love a sculpture of those toadstools! I just find that a glorious shot. But I have always had a thing for mushrooms.

  7. Ferns, golden sedges are they? Fejoas, volcanic rick... F is getting quite homesick looking at the pics of your garden. And those poppies are a fabulous colour.

  8. Blooms in winter. Oh so lucky you!

  9. A lovely wander. Lots of colour and variety

  10. All of the beauitful surprises that one finds in the garden. I do miss having a garden, I know I could have heaps of pots instead, but, well, we'll see.

  11. I'm so glad you took me for a stroll around your garden. I love to see your pretty flowers. Your Hyacinth is lovely even if it is mixed up. Iceland Poppies will not grow for me although I have tried both seeds and also bought plants in bloom hoping they would shed seeds that would 'take' but no luck.

  12. It's nice to seeing colours in the garden, luckily my geraniums and daisies are still flowering even though it's winter.

  13. It is all looking good - I love the yellow violas.

  14. Your garden is looking quite lovely and the cats are adorable!


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