Wednesday 17 June 2020

Hanmer Springs

Twelve months ago I had the joyous opportunity of immersing myself in the hot mineral-rich thermal waters of Hanmer Springs at the foot of the Southern Alps.  

This popular tourist complex contains 22 different pools offering a range of activities like bubble jets, waterslides, an aquatic thrill ride, and special sulphur-rich pools for soaking in.

Hanmer Springs village

A pleasant picnic area

Entrance to the thermal spa

Vegetation in the pools area adds to the ambiance

The Waiau River, beside Hanmer Springs

Access to Hanmer Springs is over the narrow Waiau Ferry Bridge

I could do with a long soak in a thermal hot-pool right now!  It would be perfect to combat this dull winter’s day J  


LINKED TO My Corner of the World


  1. Scenes like these with very less crowds just relaxes my eyes and my soul! Nature at its finest as they say. Now I want a dip on a pool too Margaret!

  2. Oh it would be lovely to soak there in midwinter . How about the hot springs in the north island??

    1. The idea of a soak is really growing on me - just have to decide where to go! There is Waingaro or Tauranga or Te Aroha, but I think I will probably go for Rotorua. Time to put my planning hat on! :)

  3. I love hot thermal pools, even in 35+C :-)
    Only 19C, I wonder where summer went on vacation... Let´s enjoy from arvchives Ixx

  4. Soaking in the pool doesn't especially appeal to me, but the area looks beautiful and a visit there would be very welcomed.

  5. Hello, I am sure the hot springs felt awesome. I love the last view of the bridge and river! Have a great day!

  6. Thank you for a lovely reminder. I love the South Island (but then I love the North Island too - I just know it better).

  7. I've never been in a HOT mineral springs but I love the Warm Mineral Springs south of me here in Florida. The resort looks like a nice place to relax and soak in the spring.

    1. I can only sit in the hot pools for a couple of minutes before retreating to the cooler pools again :)

  8. I wish you could have a good soak it's too hot here to want one now but when our winter rolls around again, it will sound good to me...

    I love the pics of the River.

  9. Margaret - in those pictures Hanmer doesn't seem to have changed since I (F) worked in the Forest Service there in 1979 (although I suspect Rehab Hospital has long closed). Thanks for the memories. It's a glorious place.

    1. I believe there are still private places offering rehab. The pools are continually expanding so you would probably find they haven't fundamentally changed, just got bigger :)

  10. I have to agree, Margaret, it would be great to soak away the dreary rain! We stop there when in the South Island and I think we're due again soon--at least, I hope!

    It's awesome to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up.

  11. That is one spot I would love to go - not having been in the SI much, I really should do a road trip - one day... and a good soak in a hot pool would be wonderful about now!
    Stay safe


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