Tuesday 30 May 2023

A Cheese Scone


It has been a very grey day today but thankfully no rain.  

I went down to the Lake again this morning for a short stroll, and, after returning to the car, I stood and watching these Canada Geese as they sailed past in perfect formation.

Just down the road I called in at Café Fresca and treated myself to a cheese scone and a hot chocolate.

The scone was delicious but far too much for a morning tea, so I took half of it home with me and finished it for lunch.

This afternoon, I seemed to spend all my time on the phone talking to people.  Finish one conversation and start another!  I guess it happens that way sometimes.

Hope everyone is feeling great 😊




  1. What a lovely morning - we were grey here for most of the day... with some rain, and then a thunderstorm followed by torrential rain for 15 or so minutes about 5:30! Talk about a loud ending to the day!!
    I too find that the scones at cafes are often too large for one 'sitting'. That one looks wonderful

  2. We have a Cafe Fresca here too. But they don't have cheese scones 😞

  3. A cheese scone sounds good. Is New Zealand a major cheese producer?

    1. Dairy products is one of our biggest exports and cheese makes up a large portion of that - so it is important to our little country, but not sure how it compares with larger places.

  4. I could get around that scone and hot chocolate. I haven’t made cheese scones in a while. Hmmm…

  5. I had to look up cheese scones and cheese biscuits to see if they are the same thing and apparently they are. Canadians tend to call them biscuits. No matter what they're called yours looks scrumptious. I just wish I knew how cafes get them to rise so high. Making cheese biscuits is something I'm going to do on the weekend to welcome my DH & son home ( they requested them before they even left).
    Granny M

    1. Language! I think what we call biscuits you call cookies. Very confusing sometimes :)

  6. 🤔biscuit in French means well cooked. It seems odd to call a scone by a name we associate with something crisp that withstands a good dunking. Anyway, your chocolate looks white - was it?

    1. Well-spotted! Yes, I tried a white-chocolate hot chocolate drink - I found it rather cloying, so I don't think I will have that again, but it is always fun trying something new :)


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