Monday, 1 May 2023

A Quiet Weekend


I have never known a cat quite like Mittens for being able to show her emotions clearly on her face.

This is her Expectant Face as she sits patiently waiting for her dinner to appear.

It is Monday today and we have dreary weather, with overcast skies, wind, and the odd bit of rain.  It is the edge of an ex-tropical storm that is making its way down the country.

The weekend was fairly uneventful.  I was feeling tired so never achieved very much, certainly nothing worth writing about!

The weekend's highlight was Saturday evening, when we watched our local Chiefs rugby team play the Canterbury Crusaders.  The match was here in Hamilton but we viewed it on TV, not joining the 24,000 people who packed out the stadium to capacity.

It was a good game.  Both teams were evenly matched and the score hung in the balance for most of the game, but in the end we won 34 to 24.

Have a happy day 😊



My header photo for May 2023 is the Hurunui River in North Canterbury.  One of Canterbury’s braided rivers, it is 145km long and flows from the Southern Alps down to the Pacific Ocean.  Brown trout and eels can be fished here, along with seasonal runs of sea-salmon and whitebait.

This photo was taken in early winter, 2012.


  1. I shall reiterate how much I enjoy your superb photography for your headers.

  2. Mittens looks poised to jump down from her perch the moment her dinner arrives.
    Happy new month...I like your header for May. GM

  3. Mittens certainly has an expressive face!! She a cutie with it too. Wet and miserable here also - a good day to stay inside and not be very energetic..

  4. That's a lovely photo of Mittens. She's so cute

  5. Sometimes it's a wonderful treat not to do much on the weekend. We all need down time.
    Beautiful vista!

  6. 24,000 people? No thanks, I would have watched it from home as well!

  7. Love the new header. It reminds me of early spring here.

    Mittens is a beauty for sure!

  8. Love the new header, Margaret. Mittens sure does look expectant!

  9. Some weekends are just that - uneventful and with dreary weather, all I want to do is sleep! It's been so cold here lately, not our typical May at all - brrr. And Mittens is great - love a cat with personality! Mary

  10. Quiet days are nice! Pretty kitty:)

  11. I go with Jim. At high-times there were 12000 in our stadion and that is more than enough for my liking!
    I think we not always need action - cute pic of Mittens (if really demanding, LOL) x

  12. I wondered was the water fishable and here you gave the answer. Our Bubbie cat had a very expressive face. He always had a somewhat smug look, but I swear, if would go and sit on the porch with him, you could read the happiness in his face. When I was younger we would play tag in the house. I would smack his butt (lightly of course.) and take off running and hide, and call his name and he would come sneaking to find me. I would then jump out and he would take off running.


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