Thursday, 27 April 2023

Grumpy Face


Mittens and I have both had our Grumpy Faces on at different times this last week.

Mine was the result of not feeling up to doing anything much as I came down with a bout of bronchitis.  I used to get it fairly regularly, but haven’t had it for the last few years and the bug decided to make up for that lapse in its attendance!

On the mend now, but both sons have come down with covid and I am really hoping I can dodge that one.

Mittens displayed her Grumpy Face one night when it was raining.  She does NOT like the rain!  She sits up on her cat-scratch perch and glares at the world (and us!) like we are all to blame for it.

We had our first white ground frost this last week, and a couple of sessions of strong wind has seen a lot of leaves fall from the trees.

Today it is fairly calm and the sun is streaming in the windows.  I had them all open earlier but have closed them now so the house can warm up.

Fresh air and sunshine are the best things out for lifting spirits (and banishing Grumpy Faces!).


Margaret 😊



  1. Mittens looks totally disgusted with the world. Like she knows winter is coming and is not happy about it.

  2. After several tries I can comment. Silly Blogger continues to be a pain.
    Sorry you've been under the weather. Bronchitis can't be much fun. Now if only you can avoid getting Covid.
    Mittens really does look disgusted. If rainy days make her grumpy she's in for a grumpy winter.
    Stay well. Granny M.

  3. Hope you are all starting to feel brighter.

  4. Keep away from those bugs and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air

  5. Sounds like "the bug" really got it's revenge this year Margaret - not good at all. I am battling something that is trying to settle on my lungs and give me pneumonia (again) ... not quite sure what is happening, but I have had negative covid tests, so far.
    Love the 'grumpy face' on Mittens - thankfully my boy doesn't seem to mind the rain, funny cat that he is

  6. I think we are having the same weather as you here in UK. Hope you are much better and dodge the covid bugs.

  7. That is a great face Mittens - I might practice that one. Tell your huMum that we hope she gets better really soon - lung infections are no fun at all. xxx Mr T

  8. It's really does seem that sickness comes back with a vengeance after it had exempted you from its misery for a while.

  9. Mittens is so beautiful, even as a grump!

  10. I have had a grumpy week too, hope your mood and mine improves!

  11. Mittens sure does know how to do the grumpy look but somehow manages to look super cute while doing it. Hope you are feeling a bit better - and continue to dodge Covid. Don't even want to think what that would be like on top of bronchitis.

  12. I hope you avoid getting more germs as your cold weather approaches. Here in Nashville everything is turning green. Mitten does look not very pleased. I love cats, whether they are in a happy mood or not and yours still looks sweet.

  13. I had bronchitis a couple times when young, and it was rough times. I hope you don't get it again any time soon, and hope you avoid Covid.


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