Monday 3 April 2023

Tummy Clock Woes


I am one of those persons who have an inbuilt Tummy Clock to tell me it is time to eat!  My mother suffered from the same ailment and my father used to say he could set his watch by her need to eat at a particular time.

Daylight Saving ended early Sunday morning and our clocks all went back an hour.  It means I can now get up in the dawn instead of the dark, but it takes a bit of discipline to get my tummy clock back in sync with the clock time again.

It only takes a couple of days to re-set, watching the clock and not eating “early” because it feels like the right time to eat.  The cats have the same problem, although it is probably worse for them – how do you explain to an animal (or a young child, for that matter) that their meals are suddenly now at a different time?

Millie says its no substitute for a nice dish of jellimeat

Once again, the weekend involved a lot of watching rugby on TV.  Our local Chiefs team are currently leading the table for the Super Rugby Pacifica competition – it would be fantastic if they can keep it up, but there is some stiff competition out there and one can never take things for granted.

Hope your weekend was a great one 😊




  1. I never have a problem eating, we don't really have a set schedule. Sleeping is a whole other matter however.

  2. Great to hear the Chiefs are still doing well - long may it last! Yes, our cats are not happy with the changes either

  3. The animals must be very confused. I'd never thought about that before. Theyll be happy at the end of winter when it comes an hour earlier!

  4. Or is that the other way round? Our cat now gets fed at 8am and is usually not outside the door because really its only 7. She comes round an hour later. But her feeding times depend on when we get up and not her tummy lol so she can get annoyed but not confused

  5. I think it´s nonesense with summer and winter-time. With today´s technology we don´t need that anymore, I wish we could stay in summer-time-mode...

  6. We have never had a strict schedule so we eat whenever we are both ready to, so for lunch, for example, that could be anywhere from 11:30 to 1:00 pm, sometimes a little later.

  7. Millie brought a smile this morning! Have a great week, Margaret! Enjoy the extra hour of rest!

  8. We don't really adhere to a strict schedule so the time change made little difference in that area. Bedtimes were a bit of a problem but just for a week or so. Kitty and Bunny get fed whenever so they also didn't suffer. Kitty tends to eat a little then wander off before coming back in an hour or so. She's funny that way. GM

  9. Honestly, I wish we'd end the time change here - not all the states have to do it. It just messes me up for so many days afterward. Sending good wishes for your rugby team to win!

  10. We struggle with the time change also. All the wasted evening light at night when there is still snow outside:(

  11. Mr T took about 3 and half minutes to work out that clocks changing here meant he gets breakfast earlier now. There is to be no sleeping in as he knows that commuting days start at 6am, so every day should start at 6am - even Sundays. There will be a smack (or two) on the face, a lot of hair-combing with claws, and plenty of walking on the humans if he doesn't get breakfast at the same time every day. xxx Mr T (and apples are definitely not edible Mittens, don't even play with it!)

  12. I wish they would forget the time change. I do get used to it. But it sure is a struggle. Specially as we spring forward. About the time it is daylight when I get up, we spring forward and I am back to getting up in the dark.

  13. I wish I had a tummy clock. I can eat any time. My husband says I am missing whatever it is that tells your body, I'm full, stop eating. :) That is such a pretty cat. Sure didn't know kitties would eat apples.

    1. She didn't actually eat any of it, but it ended up with several bite marks!


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